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LILY PEREZ didn't plan to be driving back to Casey Becker's house this late at night but had no choice after realizing she left her bookbag with her personal diary and school work in it. Lily was at the Becker household earlier that day working on a english project with Casey, whom she was paired up with. If it was one of her close friends, Lily would've left the bookbag for the night but Casey was the queen of gossip and Lily didn't trust her that much, the last thing she needed was the whole school to find out some embarrassing or crazy thing about her.

She couldn't believe she was stupid enough to leave it behind but when Randy Meeks called from the video store asking to speak to Lily, she freaked. Randy had informed her that they got in a copy of the movie interview with a vampire. Lily had waited weeks for it to come in, so she ran out the door without properly saying goodbye. What can she say, she gets excited over vampires.

Finally arriving at the house, Lily stepped out of the car into the dark night. It was quiet and peaceful, the only sound was those of the crickets in the grass, nothing unusual, or so she thought.

Suddenly a scream was heard from inside the house which startled Lily. She froze in her tracks and stayed still for a second. I think Casey said she was going to watch a horror film with Steve, she thought. So she continued walking to the front porch without thinking much of it.

"Casey? Hello? I forgot my bag!" she semi-shouted while knocking at the door. 

Nothing. Lily walked to the side of the house and looked through the huge window displaying the kitchen. She saw nothing, just the unattended jiffy pop sitting on the stove looking like it was about to burst into flames.  Does Casey want to burn this house down or what? she thought. 

Suddenly an unfamiliar figure appeared walking into the kitchen, not wanting to look like a creep looking through someone's window, Lily quickly ducked down to avoid being seen. "What the fuck?" she whispered to herself. She peeked through the bottom of the window to see who it was, the tall figure had a black robe with a ghost face mask on. They better not be roleplaying with that costume on, that's like so weird and creepy. 

She decided to walk back to the porch and grab the spare key from inside the plant pot to unlock the door herself. I'm technically not trespassing, she thought, Casey totally knows me. She unlocked the door and stepped inside, the smell of burnt popcorn hitting her nose instantly "Casey, it's me!"

She walked further into the house towards the kitchen, "Why the fuck is there someone in a ghost mask running around your house? It's not Halloween yet!" she laughed. Lily got to the kitchen and stopped in her tracks seeing the kitchen now engulfed in smoke. "Casey, where the fuck are you!" she said running to turn the stove off. "Shit!" she said coughing as the smoke consumed her. Something isn't right here.

"Casey!" Lily shouted as she stepped out of the kitchen looking for the blonde girl. Lily reached the living room, "Cas-". She froze in place as she suddenly came face to face with the ghost face costume from earlier. "What the fuck!" 

The figure froze in place as well, not knowing what to do with the situation he had been caught in. What the fuck is she doing here! the person inside the costume thought. 

Lily looked at the figure and quickly peeked behind seeing the glass sliding door completely shattered, and what looked like a bloody body wearing a letterman jacket outside the patio floor? Steve. Her eyes widened at the sight and her body entered a state of shock and panic. OH MY GOD DID I JUST ENTER AN ACTIVE BURGALARY? A CRIME SCENE? A MURDER? she panicked in her head. 

"What the fuck is going on here!" she shouted as she slowly walked back. "Who are you!" knowing it wasn't Casey due to its tall height. The figure said nothing but just started to walk towards her. Something shiny caught her eye, she moved her eyes to the figure's hand, and there in its grasp was a sharp knife. Oh shit

"Lily! Help me, please!" she heard a female voice suddenly shout from somewhere outside the house. Casey. "Casey! Where are you?" Lily shouted detaching her eyes from the figure and running past the figure and towards the voice. The figure behind her scurried to its feet and began to follow her. "No, no, no, no..." Lily said as she saw the figure hot on her heels, the sound of glass crunching as she stepped on it going towards the patio door. 

Lily froze in fear as she saw the once body of Steve Orth gutted to death right in front of her. In reality, Lily never got along with Steve, in fact, she hated his guts, but not to the point where she thought he deserved to be gutted, what kind of sick psycho would do this? 

"Oh my god!" she whispered in shock and her eyes began to water. This can't be happening, she thought to herself as her mind began to spin. The amount of blood on the floor was an unbearable sight for her, it made her nauseous and sick to her stomach. 

Suddenly the figure grabbed onto Lily's arms letting her know it was behind her. Lily screamed and whimpered. "No! Let me go, you sick fuck!" she desperately shouted as she tried to get out of its hold. I'm gonna die tonight, I can't die yet I haven't met Robert De Niro!, Lily panicked in her mind. The figure's hold was strong, she stood no chance. 

"Lily!" Casey said as she finally appeared in sight very weakly. "Let her go asshole!" she roughly shouted. Lily looked at her with fear in her eyes at the sight of Casey. She had mascara running down her face, her hair was disheveled and her clothes were bloody and tattered. She could barely walk. "Casey!" Lily said as the figure picked up Lily and carried her back inside the house. Casey couldn't run however, she was far too weak. 

The ghost face figure threw Lily onto the carpeted ground with a loud thump. Her body landed on a few shards of glass that made their way over due to the shattered glass door. Lily was on so much adrenaline and panic, she didn't even feel the pain of it. "Please, you fucking psycho!" Lily tried to get it to stop whatever it was planning to do to her. 

The figure got on top of Lily and grabbed onto her shoulders lifting her head off the ground. It looked straight inside her eyes for a moment, the figure wished that Lily never came by tonight. Not only did it not want to hurt her but she was never supposed to be involved in the plan, nonetheless seeing any of its gory details. Now it had no choice but to hurt her. Its head moved to Lily's ear and roughly whispered "I'm sorry." All Lily could do was look back in confusion. The figure grabbed the sides of her head and forced it to the ground roughly just enough to knock her out unconscious. She couldn't die. 

The figure got up and turned around to face Casey Becker, she screamed with whatever lung power she had left as she saw the ghost face killer approach her, knife in hand. Ready to finish what was started. 

spellbound, scream 1996Where stories live. Discover now