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LILY OPENED HER EYES TO BRIGHT LIGHTS AND THE SOUND OF MACHINES. Taking a moment to adjust her eyes, she looked around her surroundings and realized she was currently in a hospital bed.

"LILY DIOS MÍO. You're awake!" a voice startled her. She looked to the side and saw her mother frantically getting up to hold her.

"I was so worried querida, i thought i lost you." Lily's mother, Elena cried as she hugged her daughter closely. However, Lily was as confused as ever, why is my mom crying? why am i in a hospital?

Elena released her tight hold on her daughter and started to make her way out the door. "I'll be right back mi vida, i'm getting the nurse!" leaving Lily all alone in the hospital room.

Lily lied in the bed, still as a rock, looking blankly at the ceiling, why am i here? she thought. Wait, i think i'm the middle of a dream, fun! okay lily just play along. She smiled to herself and closed her eyes waiting for this dream to end.

"Good morning Miss Perez, I see you're awake?" A voice startled her once again. She opened her eyes to see the doctor standing next to her with a nurse fixing to check her vitals and her mom on her other side as well as the police? wait a minute? did i do something illegal? she panicked.

Lily nodded her head at the question, still very confused at what was happening.

"I need you to state your full name for me please. Can you do that?" the doctor asked her as the nurse lifted her arm to take her vitals. Oh no am i getting arrested?

"My full name is Liliana Perez but i go by Lily." she responded. "I'm sorry- did i do something wrong? Why are they here?" she panicked referring to the 2 police officers standing in the middle of the room. "No offense, Dewey" recognizing her best friend Tatum's older brother.

"Don't panic Lily, everything is under control we are just here to ask a few questions." Dewey stepped closer up reassuring the confused girl.

"Alright... but what for?" Lily asked in a soft tone still disoriented.

"Just to clear this situation we have here, i'm sure you are just as confused as we all are." Dewey told the girl being careful to not reveal any harsh details just yet.

Lily nodded.

"Now, Lily, can you tell me the very last thing you remember before waking up." asked Sheriff Burke. Lily looked down and thought to herself, lets see... i remember it was night... i was driving?

"Take your time. No rush." the doctor reassured her as he saw her furrow her eyebrows looking like she was struggling to recollect her thoughts. Lily looked at him and nodded.

"I remember driving. It was night..." Lily started her sentence. It was night, driving... yes! that's right i was going to Casey's house because i left my book bag! she remembered.

"I was driving back to one of my classmates house because I accidentally forgot my book bag." Lily responded to the sheriff.

Sheriff Burke nodded and signaled Dewey to write something on a notepad, "Good. Now can you tell me what happened once you got there."

"Yea... um well I got to her house-" Lily got interrupted. "Whose house?" the sheriff asked.

"Casey Becker's..." Lily said confused at the sudden interruption. The sheriff nodded and signaled her to continue as Dewey wrote down on the notepad.

"I got to her house and... and I....and..." Lily trailed off, her memory going gray. Why can't i think of what i did?

"And you what? It's alright take your time." Dewey pushed encouragingly. "Take your time, mi vida." Her mom reassured her. Lily nodded at both of them and continued to think.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2023 ⏰

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