1. wait you can see us

27 1 0

Y/n means you're name

Word count - 524

~ Story ~

Julie called me over just to hang out alone , lately she hasn't been hanging out with me, I been friends with Julie for 10 years now but it feels like she doesn't wanna be friends but I know her and I know she's not like that.

"Julie" I said knocking on her door, I heard someone walking to the door, Julie opened the door "hey y/n" Julie said pulling me in a hug "come on in" Julie said I walked in and took my shoes off, then she followed her to her room, y/n was very confused when she saw 3 boys in Julie's room "Julie I thought you said you wanted to hang out alone" y/n said "I did and we are alone" Julie said "no we aren't there are 3 boys in here" y/n said pointing to them "wait you see us" Luke asked "Yeah" y/n said "we are ghosts" Reggie said "pfft" y/n laughed but then realized they were serious "wait you gotta be joking" y/n said turning to Julie "no we aren't joking" Alex said, y/n went to go touch Reggie but her hand went through him "so you're band boys are ghosts" I asked "yep" Julie said nodding "God wait is this why you and fin stop hanging with me" I asked "y/n we are sorry" Julie said felling bad "it's fine but now we gotta hang out with these boys all the time" I said smiling at them.

"Ok so Julie see us now this girl" Alex said walking back and forth "clam down" y/n said "yeah bub" Luke said "hey I have Idea let's watch a movie" Reggie said "YEAH!" I yelled "sorry" i said "what movie Julie asked "um hmm what about Ghostbusters" Alex said "Yeah I love that movie" Luke said, juice put on the movie and we all sat down watching Ghostbusters not even 20 minutes I fell a sleep.

In the morning I woke up and got dressed quickly in Julie's room then i went down stairs Julie pointed to my plate so i sat down and started to eat "I whish I could eat" Reggie said "wait you can't eat" I asked "nope none of us can" Alex said "ok that's sucks" I said "yes it does" luck said  the boys were watching me eat "guys give the poor girl some space" Julie said, I giggled they all looked away "y/n we have school" Julie said I got up and put my food away "bye guys it was really nice meting you" i said waving to them bye "same to you" alex said " yeah" luke said smiling "bye" Reggie said waving to them I grabbed my stuff  and walked out of the door with Julie  to the boys "so are the boys nice?" Juile asked " Yeah super nice" I answer running to school so I wasn't late. What a crazy night...


Hope you liked the story hope you all have a wonderful day/afternoon/night

Selkiecmm hope you like this

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2023 ⏰

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