Chapter 25

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On our last day in Monaco I was sat by the pool double checking my homework. I had classes the following day. Franco was taking a helicopter tour of the city. I place my hand on my stomach it was worth it to not be able to go. Apart from my bodyguards I was the only one in the pool area. The manager hang a close sign on the pool when he saw me in flip flops wearing a loose dress with my bathing suit peeking through.

My talk with Franco was still on my mind Johan loved me. I couldn't love him because I knew who I was. I'm glad he has Bianca and Samantha now and their new son and daughter. He loves them more than he has ever loved me and that's a good thing.

When I was finish at the pool I change into maternity jeans and a pink top. Franco and I bought the manager and staff who helped us gifts. It's our way of saying thank you for looking after us so well. The manager cried when he open his box of cologne. "Thank you you didn't have to."

I smile fondly at him, "We did. We enjoyed our stay here. Those chocolate truffles. I have never tasted anything so divine. I'll be buying a large box with at least 12 boxes in them."

"I'm glad I could introduce you to something new ma'am."

The first day back at university was manic there were assignments to hand in, test results to get and the classes were harder this semester. I didn't mind I enjoyed the challenge and I passed all my exams. I give Annalise a box of the Swiss chocolate at lunch.

"These are so good.," she says after taking another bite of chocolate. "So how was your break?" She ask me.

"Amazing I'm falling in love with Paris each time we go there."

"That's good."

I take a bite of my salad, "It is. Between me and you I'm thinking of starting my second year of med school there."

"That's great I may join you. My mother is from a town near Paris. Was it me or did our classes today seem super hard."

I laugh, "It wasn't just you. It's like now we know what the human body looks like. It's full throttle ahead."

"What's with the salad?" Ask Annalise.

"I over indulged over the break."

She looks at me and frowns, "So what. You're pregnant now is the time to use that excuse to eat whatever you want. That manager of that hotel you went to is singing you and Franco's praise to the newspaper. He said he expected you to be a snob and a cow but instead you were very sweet."

"I think people see the word princess then the word crown princess and thinks we are all the same. I'm been given an opportunity here and I'm taking it. I don't need people bowing to me or treating me differently. I'm a plumbers daughter and I'm very proud of that fact. I want my children to know money and a title doesn't mean they're better than other people. I was given this position for a reason and until I know what. I'm going to enjoy the ride."

Annalise practically beams at my answer. I narrow my eyes at her and she takes another truffle and starts eating it. "Spill."

She suddenly starts acting clueless."I don't know what you mean."

"You're were way too happy at my answer then."

"Actually I was thinking about mama's face when I tell her I'm returning to France."

"So now you're copying me ."

"But of course dear lady."

We both laugh at that. She had a perfect English accent for someone from Italy. There is no trace of a french one either. I know she speaks five languages very fluently. The truth was I was glad she was coming with me. I haven't made any other real good friend apart from her. Well there is Gavin but the lest said about that the better.

To my surprise Isabelle was waiting for me after school. I place my books on the car seat and turn to her. "This is a surprise."

"It's been a while since I've seen you. Emily has invited me to dinner. I know you have homework to do. Don't worry I need to speak to her about something. I can occupy my time while you're busy."

I close the car door, "How is the pregnancy going?" I ask.

"Okay but the morning sickness is terrible."

"I hear it can be."

"I'm just happy I'm going to be a mother. The king and queen are bragging to everyone they know about it."

"They are ecstatic you're pregnant."

She touches her flat stomach, "I know."

"Where is hubby."

"He's busy with an engagement. I wanted to spend some time with you."

I'm happy to see you and I can give you your tacky french and Monaco gifts I bought for your family."

"As long as a coaster is involved dad will be happy."

"Don't worry I got him his coaster, actually I wanted to speak to you about something important. The thing is Franco and I will be relocating to France in couple months."

"If that's your dream then I'm happy for you. We can still talk on the phone and FaceTime each other. I have loved getting to know you all over again. We won't stop being sister just because you live somewhere else."

"I know it's weird I moved to Italy for a new start. Now I'm moving to another country for another new start."

"This move is for positive reasons not negative ones. You have a baby on the way and a husband. You know the language where you're going. When you graduate from university I'm coming to your graduation okay?"

"You better be there."

We arrive home and Isabelle ask to speak to Emily and I take the chance to do my homework. I'm glad she surprised me today. It was nice to have Isabelle at dinner. Unfortunately it made me realise she wouldn't be queen for sometime. This time next year our schedules will be vastly different. The freedom she still has I will lose.

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