chapter 7

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2 days later.

Days have pass since Joey moved to vanoss house. Tho he is fine about him being here along with deviant and loyalty. Tho as long as he keeps his powers steady and hopefully no one sees him. Right now vanoss is making a video session with his friends playing a Gmod game before they could visit him. While that is happening Joey is in the living room watching TV and eating some cereal. Unlike any kids who would watch disney or cartoon network, Joey watches the news, discovery channel, and travel channel to see if he can know about the myths and cryptids. Loyalty and deviant than appear in Joey's form and sit next to him.

Deviant: this... Is getting boring. Can we do something fun?

Joey: like what?

Deviant: like I don't know? let's go kill someone. Maybe a criminal or a thief?

Joey: I haven't figured out about the crime rate in Canada yet

Deviant: oooooh!

Loyalty: I say we wait for Evan to finish up playing with his friends and then he'll give us the news

Deviant: his friends won't show up until their done playing. It's going to be days when they arrive

Loyalty: but it's going to be worth it

Joey: he right deviant, let's just wait and see

Deviant: uuuuh! Fine! Well wait!

Joey: ok

After an hour later of waiting vanoss comes out of the room all happy and stretching. He goes to the living room and sees joey on the couch with deviant and loyalty there as well.

Vanoss: alright!

Joey: ha, ha, I like it when you say that. Is it like your catchphrase?

Vanoss: sort of... Is more like "we ride together, we make french fries together"

Joey: oh that one *laughing*

Deviant: I don't get how it's funny?

Loyalty: because how he says it and plus it's funny

Deviant: still

Vanoss: ok... So while we wait for my friends to show up in two days-

Deviant: great, another two days now

Vanoss: ummm?

Joey: don't worry about him, remember that's he's full of anger and rage

Vanoss: yup, like tyler

Joey: ya like tyler or wildcat, either way he's like that

Loyalty: or maybe that disney inside out movie

Deviant: do not bring that up! I hate that movie!

Loyalty: ok, ok

Vanoss: so what should we do today

Joey: hmmm? I was thinking of one thing

Vanoss: what's that?

Joey: does Canada have any folklore or myths?

Vanoss: uuuhhh? Sorry I don't know any of that

Joey: oh... Well don't worry about it, I'll look it up

Vanoss: do you have a phone?

Joey: nope

Vanoss: why?

Loyalty: because the secret government will track Joey if he in possession of a phone

Vanoss: great

vanoss and the anomaly child (vanoss crew and my oc crossover)Where stories live. Discover now