Pilot: Company problem.

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Narrator's POV:

[I.M.P Headquarters, IMP City]

Inside the tall building of IMP City, there's a door which shows I

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Inside the tall building of IMP City, there's a door which shows I.M.P as a male tall IMP, named Blitzø, appears with a board behind him which shows droppings of its business.

Blitzø: Look, I know business have been running... a pit slow lately, yes. It's nobody's fault, okay? I'm not giving out names. *Looks at Moxxie* Moxxie. *Moxxie gives him a 'What the hell' look* Now does anyone have... any bright ideas on how we can get business drummin' up again?

 any bright ideas on how we can get business drummin' up again?

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Jayden: 50% Deals off for kills?

Blitzø: Not bad, not bad at all, Jayden. Anything else?

Millie: *Raise her hand* What about a car wash?

Millie: *Raise her hand* What about a car wash?

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Biltzø: Millie this is Hell. No one doesn't care about their cars being cleaned. *Thinks for a moment* Ooh! What about a billboard?

Jayden: That could work.

Moxxie: We can't afford a billboard, you two.

Moxxie: We can't afford a billboard, you two

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Helluva Boss x FNAF: Jayden's helluva lifeWhere stories live. Discover now