Loo Loo Land

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Narrator's POV:

[Stolas' Palace, Hell]

[Stolas' Palace, Hell]

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???: Mommy! Daddy!

Stolas: *Yawns* Vi is calling us, Stella.

Stella: *Sleepy* You get up.

Stolas: *Sighs and gets out of the bed and enters Octavia's room, where he sees her hiding beneath the blankets on her bed* Via? What troubles you, my owlet? 

Octavia: *Sobbing* Daddy! Daddy! *Climbs down from the bed and runs into his father's arms*

Stolas: *Lifts Octavia up to comfort her, yawns and wipes away a tear from Octavia's eye* A nightmare?

Octavia: *Sobbing* I was looking all over the palace, and...  I couldn't find you anywhere! You weren't there!

Stolas: *Pats on Octavia's pack comfortingly* There, there, Via, it's okay. You're okay. *Summons the Grimoire with his telekinesis while walking Octavia back to bed* When you're scared, and you don't know where I am, you must always remember... *Flips a page* No matter what happens to me, I will never be far away... from my special little star fire.

After Stolas sings a lullaby, he settles Octavia to sleep by putting her in bed and began to leave.

[Present Day, Stolas' Palace]

Several years later, we now see a teenage Octavia, who is jolted awake by smashing objects and her parents screaming at each other.

(Reminder, Octavia is 18 in this story. So, deal with it. I know you're watching me, FBI.)

Stella: I can't believe you slept with an Imp, IN OUR FUCKING BED!

Octavia: *Long groan*

Stolas: It was unexpected! I didn't have time to go to a motel!

Stella: A motel?! Like a fucking PLEBIAN?!

Octavia grabs her phone and puts on earbuds, playing a song called "My World is Burning Down Around Me". 

She gets up and walks down the halls of the palace, walking over smashed remains of a plant thrown in her path. In the kitchen, Stella continues screaming at Stolas as she began to throw an Imp at Stolas.

Stella: You want to fuck this one, too?!

Stolas: *Dodges* No! Of course not!

Stella: You are a God damn embarrassment! I'm not spending another moment looking at your pathetic, Imp-sucking face!

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