Depictions of Transfixion

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I do not claim ownership or take credit of the photo above. Credits to inksans5371 on YouTube. If you know who drew this and I gave credits to the wrong person, please tell me and I will give the appropriate person the credits to the art above.


This chapter contains:

-Swearing (A LOT)

-Depiction of needles stabbing someone/something

-Many A/Ns that may interrupt the flow of the story

-Joking about racism

-Joking bullying people

-Chatting with classmates online most of the time

-Sex jokes

-Reference to manga (Ennead)



-Non formal writing (in texting people terms of course)




anyways here I am with a new shitty chapter

idk what to say here tho so cu- I mean come to hell with me! yeah....... that's what I meant......

 that's what I meant

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It felt like billions upon millions upon thousands upon hundreds of needles were stabbing me in every part of my body. (A/N: Does that mean he can feel it on his ectobody dick/vagina????)

I awoke with a gasp.

I was in a classroom. 'How did I get here?' I said in my mind. I was just fighting a bootleg pseudobulbar (PBA). What was wrong with me? Is this school cursed or something? Shining across the slightly open windows was air that gave a cold icy chill. I believe tomorrow will be warmer. No wonder it was named in Latin glacier and ice. 

I looked onto the blackboard. The teacher was writing some equation. 'x3+y3+z3' it read. Wait a minute. I'm in Calculus? What the fuck? I suck at this shit. Luckily for me, Art class was just around the corner. I always hated math. I began slowly working on the problems assigned in my head, sometimes needing to scribble down solutions to a few complicated equations. So troublesome. Ew. 

As time went by, I realized school was over and I had finished Art class with a speedy record. Of course I did, I'm fucking amazing. (A/N: Im surprised I went this long without even writing an A/N! Welp time to pleasure myself) 

Walking through the halls towards the exit, I was held back by two different colored skeletons (A/N: INK THATS RACIST-). One had a yellow, orange, green, and black attire. The other was blue, black, grey, and white (A/N: INK THATS MEAN STOP BEING RACIST).  "Hello! I'm Dream, and he's Swap, but likes to be referred as Blueberry or Blue. We noticed that we haven't talked to you all day, and apologize for leaving a new student to figure everything out on their own like that" He continued, "Anyways, it looks like you already found out the basics, so if you have any questions, you can ask here in the group chat! Mostly everyone there is friendly." Said Dream. He gave me a piece of paper. I'll read it next week since I'm busy (A/N: nOTHing personal, just for plot armor). Walking home, I thought about how much my life was going to change without my father. With the lively soul vial in my hand, I examined the crack. It was probably from the school fight.

An Emotionless Mess (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now