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"Eli! Did you see the transfer in the Fashion Department?"

"They say he hit Zack Lee."

"Eli, he's good looking but you're better."

"Zack Lee lost? I don't care about fighting. But if he's good-looking, shall I ask him to be my hair model?"

"A fight in the Fashion Department?"

As the girls continued to discuss the recent fight that happened in the Fashion Department, the group was caught by surprise as a new voice joined the conversation. In unison, they gradually turned around and were met with their blonde classmate's cold gaze, a stare that made their mouths go dry.

The voice belonged to Iseul Kang, the president of the Student Council of Jae Won High School. Her presence alone was enough to send a shiver down their spines, as her power and influence were well known throughout the school. With a stern look, she stood by, silently observing the group until the conversation came to an awkward pause.

"Those bastards from Fashion never fail to hassle me."

Iseul let out a deep sigh, ruffling her long, blonde hair in frustration. She couldn't hide the stress on her face, her position as the president of the Student Council of Jae Won High School weighing heavily on her mind. Her position was always so demanding, never giving her time to breathe or relax. She had to handle so many responsibilities, from student disputes to event planning, and the constant demands of those around her left her feeling exhausted and overwhelmed. She felt like she had no escape from it all, causing her to feel trapped in a cycle of constant stress and pressure.

Even though she clearly had a lot on her shoulders, Eli and the girls couldn't help but sympathize with her. After all, there is no denying the immense pressure that comes with such a position of power, and the constant harassment from other students was certainly not making it any easier.

"But wait-!" Iseul rushed to take part in the girls surrounding the only male in their department.

"Who did you say got beaten up?"

"I-it's Zack Lee. The transfer took him down in a punch." one of the girls answered.

The Beauty Department was quiet for a minute until it was Iseul herself who broke into fits of laughter. Her classmates followed after, laughing awkwardly for it was out of pure relief that they do not need to put up with her stern demeanor. With a few cackles and giggles, they slowly began to calm down, feeling a sense of camaraderie as they watched their president release all of her built up tension.

"Not only did he lose in one punch, but Mira must have seen the whole thing. Jeez, he's such a loser."

She shook her head, clearly amused by the situation. The blonde stood up, her left hand in her pocket, waving them goodbye with her remaining hand.

"I'll be visiting him myself and thank him for adding to my chances with Mira. I'll see you guys later."

As Iseul vanished from their sight, the girls let out a collective sigh of relief. Of course, it was Mira Kim again who broke her tough barrier. But still, they were grateful to the brunette for holding two wolves to their places.

Those wolves being Zack Lee and Iseul Kang.

Trivial Rival (Lookism Zack)Where stories live. Discover now