07: Freedom over luxury

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A loud smack resonated across the large and luxurious living area as the middle-aged man's hand made contact with Iseul's face, causing her head to violently jerk to the side as a result of the physical force.

Clad in formal attire, yet face filled with anger. He loosened his necktie in an attempt to alleviate some of his anger as his wife held his arm back to prevent him from inflicting any further harm on their teenage daughter.

"I'm only allowing you to hang around with Mira because she's a good kid unlike that troublemaker of a boxer. And what? You like her?! You're a girl, so DON'T YOU DARE HAVE FEELINGS FOR ANOTHER! CUT OUT THE NONSENSE!" he spat between his gritted teeth.

The man raised his hand once more, intending to deliver another slap to his daughter. However, this time, Iseul harshly shoved his hand away before it could make contact with her face.

"And what about it? At least I know how to treat women better than you do. You can't even manage to not be an asshole to your own wife, let alone stop fucking around numerous girls who are just around your daughter's age."

As he became even more enraged, his face turned red and contorted with deeper anger. His hand reached out to grab the wine bottle sitting on the coffee table, ready to hurl it at the teen. However, a slap on his face stopped him from doing so.

With a look of surprise on his face, he turned to his wife, clutching his cheek in pain. The woman's desperate gaze was replaced with a burning hatred and anger.

"You have no rights to hurt my daughter!" Seol spat.



He raised his hand once more in fury, but this time, he directed it towards his wife, Seol. Not letting the man harm her mother, the teen quickly slapped her dad across the face, mirroring what her mom had done moments before.

As Iseul put all her might behind her actions, her father lost his balance, causing him to fall to the ground along with the wine bottle he was holding. It shattered and spilled the liquid all over the floor. As he lay there, clutching his injured cheek, he looked up at his daughter, who stood over him with a glare that radiated pure anger. His eyes widened with shock for a moment before he flared up in outrage once more.


"Are you that proud? Building an image of a lawyer protecting the abused when you're an abuser yourself?!" Iseul spoke between her gritted teeth, looking down at him in hatred.

"Get out of my house, NOW!"

"OH YES, WE WILL!" Iseul's mom shouted back, with an intensity that matched his own.

"Where are you going to stay, huh? With your little man?" he asked, his voice dripping with venom.

"For Christ's sake, Leo, it's been years, and you're still being insecure about him. He's married and with a child, and so am I. Get over your jealousy!" she shot back.

Iseul stood still, feeling a sense of discomfort as the quarrel between her parents intensified over the male friend her mother had since childhood, who happened to be Zack's dad.

"Isn't his wife the other friend you both had? Why don't you live with them, huh? Since you three are so inseparable." Leo mocked, as Seol hissed, feeling her patience wearing thin.

"Yeah, I'll do that. Thanks for the suggestion." Iseul heard her mom retorted with the same mocking tone.


"Sweetheart, go pack your things." she calmly said, yet, her clenched fist and overall body language gave away her irritation.

Iseul immediately followed her mother's instructions, running up the stairs with long strides towards her room.

The blonde reached her room and quickly began packing her things. She took out some bags and luggage and started to pack as many clothes and necessities as she could fit.

With a heavy heart, Iseul looked around her large and lavish bedroom, feeling a tinge of nostalgia for the luxurious life her father had given her over the years.

She couldn't help but feel a pang of dismay that the lavish lifestyle she had become accustomed to was about to be lost. There was still a part of her that would miss the comfort and stability that came with having a wealthy father.

If it meant enjoying the luxury, she could handle his ill treatment and overall horrible persona, but not when her mother couldn't. In the end, her mother's well-being was more important to her than any amount of wealth or comfort.

Iseul took out more bags, hurriedly stuffing in any valuable jewelry and high-end products that she could sell. As she did, a knock was heard at her door.

"Come in." she simply said, eyes focused on her task as she made no move to see who had entered.

"Do you need a hand, miss?"

The Kang household's butler stood by the doorframe with a somber smile on his face as he watched the teen he raised. The sight of his young lady's room being emptied was a moment he never imagined coming.

"Yes please." Iseul answered, returning the old man's expression.

Seol let out a sigh, one of fondness as she watched the maids loaded the car with Iseul's belongings

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Seol let out a sigh, one of fondness as she watched the maids loaded the car with Iseul's belongings. Seeing that it filled half of the vehicle, she cast a joking glare at Iseul, and the teenage girl grinned in return.

"Please put the smaller bags underneath the seats. That's right, thank you."

Iseul's gaze landed on her father standing on the balcony above them, and she immediately felt his fierce glare upon them. While her mother was momentarily occupied with starting the car's engine, the blonde seized the opportunity to silently flip off her dad, which made the older male livid, fuming at his daughter's ill-behavior.

The employees who witnessed the exchange were caught off guard by the teenage girl's audacious behavior and had no choice but to hold in their laughter, covering their mouths with their hands as they masked it with a cough.

She flashed her father one final mischievous grin before settling into the passenger seat of the car. The mother and daughter drove off into the distance, leaving behind the hellish home they lived in.

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