04: Reconciling

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As Zack and Mira arrived at the third floor, they found that the coed room was already full, leaving them with no choice but to enter the library rooms separated by gender. This was not something that Zack had anticipated, and it left him with negative emotions. He didn't imagine that he would be separated from both girls as he entered the library room for boys.

The other guys inside the room can't help but be annoyed as Zack scraped the library desk, creating a disturbing sound. Despite their annoyance, they couldn't help but be intimidated by the glare he was giving them, causing no one to have the guts to confront him.

"Zack, people are trying to study."

Zack froze and leaned back in his chair, he suddenly whipped his head to the side, fast enough to break a normal person's neck. Upon turning around, he saw that the seat and stall beside him were occupied by none other than Iseul, her hood up and blonde locks peeking out from it.

"What the hell? Why are you here?" he queried in which the blonde shrugged at.

"The boys don't mind."

"It's because you act like one."

"Fuck you, man."

Everyone in the room breathed a sigh of relief as Zack put the box cutter down. He then faced Iseul as she reviewed and highlighted the important details in her notes. He rested his head on the wood border separating their desks, staring at her silently for a moment before finally speaking up.

"You're ignoring Mira, aren't you?"

"Why are you asking the obvious?" she retorted, eyes still focusing on her work.

The male stayed silent, his eyes lingering on Iseul as he moved his seat behind her. He rested his chin on her shoulder, his breath falling softly on her neck as he watched her hands move gracefully across the papers, highlighting important details. He didn't understand the content of what she was working on, but he was just trying to keep her company, so he didn't try to comprehend her notes any further.

As they sat in silence, Zack eventually drifted off to sleep, leaving a bit of drool on Iseul's shoulder. After a few minutes, she stretched her arms with a big yawn, causing Zack's head to fall off.


The fall caused him to almost lose his balance in his chair, causing him to snap awake. He immediately wiped the drool off his chin, blinking several times to try to awaken himself fully.

"I'm starving." the female declared.

She pushed back her chair as she got to her feet. She retrieved her wallet and began making her way towards the door, with the boxer's eyes fixed on her every move.

"Buy me some honey butter chips."

"With my own money and then you'll give it to Mira? Damn you."


After only a few seconds of Iseul leaving the room, the black haired male received a message from Mira, who also expressed her hunger. Zack stood up and ran out of the room, running after Iseul and putting her in a headlock when he finally caught up with her.

"Hey! Let go!"

"We're meeting Mira at the snack bar. Let's go." he declared, pulling her with him. The female struggled to free herself from his grasp as he held her tightly, ruffling her blonde hair.

"Mira, look who I found!" Zack called out, waving to the brunette as he let go of Iseul's head, who took a moment to fix her hair rather aggressively.

"Oh hey.." Mira muttered as she approached the two.

From when they made their way to the snack area to the moment they eat, the atmosphere was not as silent as they might have expected, with the boxer doing the majority of the talking as the two girls gave their short responses.

"Iseul, Mira, I'm going outside for a while." said Zack as the two nodded in response.

An awkward silence immediately followed as Zack left, leaving the other two behind. Iseul continued to eat her snack, her attention fixed on her phone as she scrolled through her social media feed, seemingly unbothered by the tension between them. Mira, on the other hand, nervously fidgeted with the hem of her jacket.

"Iseul...." Mira whispered, loud enough for the blonde to hear, which she did, shifting her gaze from her phone to the brunette.

"Sorry about earlier.." Mira apologized, refusing to look at the blonde who stayed silent, which she took as a cue to continue.

"I'm really-"

"Why did you act like that?" Iseul asked. The question caught Mira off-guard and brought a blush of embarrassment to her face. After taking a moment to compose herself, Mira tried to respond.

"Well- ever since last time... you and Daniel.." she mumbled, her voice quieter than before, but still clear enough for Nari to hear. The unfinished statement was more than enough for Nari to understand what the brunette was getting at.

'Was she jealous?'

"Pfft- ahem." Iseul let out a chuckle before covering it up with a cough.

Still avoiding eye contact, Mira felt the sensation of a hand patting her head. Surprised at the unexpected gesture, she looked up and locked eyes with Iseul who was now smiling at her with a face just as red as hers.

"I'm going to check out the books. You can go ahead with Zack when he returns." The blonde stood up and began tidying her trash.

"O-oh okay..."

Iseul followed her previous statement to a tee, heading for the bookshelves to check out their contents. However, she could not contain her feelings and found herself giggling to herself like an in love schoolgirl throughout the entire process. After a brief absence, she ultimately decided to return to the boys' room.

On her way back to the room, Zack rushed past her, seemingly consumed by a burst of anger that rendered him unaware of her presence.

Not long after, an unknown group of boys followed suit, Iseul predicted that something bad might arise and immediately rushed back to the boys room to grab her belongings before rushing after them.

After arriving at the scene, Iseul was met with an infuriating sight that were sure to make her blood boil.

"Ah, come on! Give me your number and other things... okay? Anyways, aren't J high chicks all sluts?" said the guy who has his arm around Mira's shoulder, tapping on her breast.

Before Zack could land a hit on the guy, Iseul's own fist made contact with his face first, resulting in a sickening crack being emitted. Both Zack and Mira turned their heads to look at the blonde in shock as Iseul behaved in a manner completely opposite to her usual persona. As the president of the J High Student Council, she was not the type to resort to physical violence.

"That's fucking offensive, calling my girls from J High sluts? That's funny coming from a pervert."

Feeling a surge of suppressed rage, Iseul couldn't help but scoff, her lips tugged slightly upward in a mocking and angry manner. As she shook her fist, which had just landed a blow, she turned to face Mira with a smile.

"Let's go, Mira."


She firmly placed her hands on Mira's shoulders and turned her around. As they walked out of the scene, Iseul wrapped her arms around the brunette's shoulder, preventing her from turning back and leading her away from the impending chaos.

Iseul glanced back at Zack, giving him a wink and a salute.

"Show them what you got, Lee."

Her words brought a smile to Zack's face. He returned her salute and waited until her and Mira were out of his sight before turning his attention back to the group that was now stepping back in fear. He took slow steps towards them as he cracked his fingers with a terrifying smirk.

"You guys have been pissing me off for a while now."

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