Touchy Much

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For the third time in this month here I was again in another strange location in this beautiful city of Britain-I was starting up school at Redwood high to finish my senior year.

Three months ago, mom had moved to United Kingdom for work and promised us-my sister, dad and I to come get us which she did.

At first I was super excited to leave Nigeria and try something new but then it hit me. I was leaving a place I had stayed my entire childhood to a whole new place that I wasn't even familiar with, it was so strange and frightening but hey too much experience isn't bad, even though I missed my friends, I wasn't gonna sitnsulk, I am gonna make the best of my time.

I snapped out of my thoughts when mom pulled Infront of a big building which had "Redwood High" body written on it.

Few more horrible missiles

Horrible missiles


BTW horrible missiles are exams and pretty much any other thing that has to do with studying.

I knew a place clad in white and red wasn't as rosy as its colours, I knew it came with its own share of massive bombs

I've read tons of teen fictions and I see the queen bee and their minions, the hot jocks, the bad boy and his gang,the cheerleaders and stuff.

I knew for a fact that it was a highschool rule for a bad boy to fall for a resident loser as termed by insecurities, and it is in the bible or something for cheerleaders and jock to mate.

I wasn't skimming to be in any sappy romance cliche drama, just a regular student watching daily dose of school drama like a pretty head wallflower.

I was a big deal from where I came and it seemed like I was supposed to be noticed by everyone cause I could feel cold glares wash me as I stepped out of Mom's Tesla.

So much for an hidden wallflower's first impression

"Get yourself together and enjoy your first day"mom said once again intruding my private thoughts.

What was this woman's problem

I bided her bye and she drove off.

As she disappeared into thin air, I tightened my grip on my mini backpack strewn across my left arm, shoved my black shades behind my face and tugged the hem of my short skirt nervously,took one last deep breath before finally entering the hallway of my worst nightmare-school.

I'm not a lazy or dumb student or something, just hated school as in detest.

As I entered I expected immediate bullying about how my skin colour was different from theirs, that already was a u're attention seeker but I was grateful that no one noticed except from some dude standing opposite me staring intently as if he was gonna rip my shades off.

I just shrugged and tried following the mini map mom gave me to trace my locker but someone stumbled on me making hit my back on something hard And the dude just walked off like nothing happened.


As i looked up to see what I hit I was met by the gaze from earlier on the random dude, thank goodness for my shades of not my eyeballs would have been really done for now.

By now the milkshake he held earlier was all over him and his polo dried to his chest, I wanted to make sure he was real so I poked his abs ...... Hey don't blame me only making sure y'all.

"Touchy much" he said chill and calm but it sent shudders down my spine.

So much for a first impression

Q-have you ever been in such an embarrassing situation as Tara

As for me I've never been just random mistakes but definitely not getting someone wet



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