part 3

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Sebastian's POV

I walked into the practice room where Samantha was waiting for me. "10 minutes isn't  late" she sarcastically says
I gave her a small look, "So what was with you guys at lunch?" she continues
"Oh that? Yeah it was a continued fight"
I say, "What do you mean? When did the other start?" she asked
"Right when you left to class" I respond
She looks down playing with the tips of her hair.
"lets talk about the play okay?" I suggest
She hands me the papers and shows me where to stand. As I stand there I start scanning through the papers, whoaa! Page 53; kissing scene

"Ready?" she asks
I nod.
"So the red words are mine and yours are the purple, okay?"
"Okay" I repeat

We say our lines as we go. It went well, We've had a couple mistakes and laughs through it but I know we still have another 30 minutes until practice was over. I noticed we were on page 52.. I got nervous by the second.
"So does that mean..?" she stares.
I pull myself up close to her and I kiss her.
..well that went well..
"Um sorry I didn't know" I reply to an awkward silence.
"Its okay. It was part of the play anyways"  she tells me
"Yeah. sure."  I pause
"Ya do know there's more than at least 2 scenes right?"
Okay she did know about it
"So what now? Are you trying to tell me something?"  I laugh.
"No No its just that .. your too.. ugh never mind forget it. you make things complicated!" she
pouts and I smile. and we continue
----"Lucas I don't understand."
she moves on
"I'll help you understand Sabrina," "I love you."
I say in my emotions.
"Lucas I can't, I'm sorry."
*she runs away*
*Sabrina's singing part*----

We kept practice going on until time was up.

Later that night I got home and I was full of exhaust.Thank god it was Friday! I went into my room.. shit I totally forgot..
"Hii" goes Maria.
I put my stuff down and throw myself on the bed
"Hey baby girl" I kiss her upside down.
"What's wrong? and why do your lips taste like lip gloss babe?" she asks
"Exhausted baby" I ignore the second question because she should know where I was.
"practice?she whispered
"Yeah"  I hold her hands
"I love you" she tells me
"I love you too but more" I kiss her once again.
"You didn't tell me why your lips tasted like lip gloss.."
goes her curious self
"Baby.. I love you so fucking much but today at practice there was a kissing scene and I'm going to tell you that theres going to be more than 2 kissing scenes."
there's a silence.
"Baby I'm yours and yours only" I continue
awkward silence again.
She turns to her side and I turn back wrapping my arms around her gently 'I love you my princess' I whisper to her 'good night' saying something again.. kissing her shoulder.
After a while she fell asleep. I wouldn't ever leave her side, I don't care if shit happens I'm always going to protect her 
and put her first.

The next morning I woke up listening Maria talking on the phone with someone she saw me and walked out
"BABE!"  I yell

Maria's POV

I woke up having Seb's arms around me. I got up and decided to call my friend alyssa, she picked up and we spoke for at least 30 minutes I told her about everything that happened with seb and she kept telling me not to trust him because if its one of those plays with romance and stuff then of course Sebastian has a reason to choose that certain act.
He woke up slowly.. I took a long look at him biting my finger nails then I walked out but before I  left I heard seb yell out 'babe' as he got up from his bed.. his veins popped out from his neck. I wanted to cry! I know I shouldnt.

He walks out the room slipping into a shirt and waits for me to end the phone so I told Alyssa I had to go that I'll call her later.
"Who was that?" he follows me into the kitchen.
"Alyssa" I stare
"Babe.. I wanna know why your acting like this" he walks over to me
"I don't know, I guess I'm just going to join a play and start kissing other guys if that makes you happy" I walk to the fridge
"Aw shit baby," he sighs
"Its just a damn play!"  he continues
"Let me ask you something seb," I say "you have a girlfriend and you wanna join a play you join it and your girlfriend asks you what theme and you reply  saying romance and , why would you choose romance!? If you were to be me right now you'd feel the way I'm feeling at the moment! its not comfortable!!" I try to stay calm.
"The cheerleaders asked me to do the part because they thought I'd be great for that act baby," he says
"We never fight like this babe I don't like it.. can we stop," he pleased.
"I don't wanna fight, I'm sorry"  a tear rolled down his cheek. I run to him hugging him tightly'I'm sorry'  I whisper.

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