Chapter 17

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Skylar was funny when she was drunk.  She wasn't particularly drunk, but she was tipsy which made her say stupid stuff and then she'd stare at me for a second as she recalculated what she just said and correct herself.

It was funny, and sometimes she wouldn't correct herself and just say 'you know what I mean right?' And I'd say yes even though I didn't.

The food was amazing, and I loved every bit of it. But it's still not better than Skylar's though. Later on that night, when Skylar and i were on our third bottle of wine, I noticed Skylar staring at me. For some reason, I loved that she was staring at me like that. Her eyes just made me feel some type of way, and I wanted more of it every second.

"Can I ask you something?" She finally spoke up as I took a sip of my wine.


"Okay so there is this girl right-"

"I don't want to hear it."

"Wait listen." She laughed. "So there is this girl right? She's pretty, she's amazing, she's smart, she's kind...and literally every thing I could've ever asked for." She said as she leaned onto the table.

"Mmm." I took a sip of my wine.

"And I really like her, and I want to ask her to be my girlfriend. How do I do that?" She asked and I sucked in my bottom lip. Who is she talking about? Is there someone else other than me? Not like i was jealous, i knew we wouldn't last anyways.

"Since when have you been hesitant, Montgomery?" I asked her.

"Well, since i met her I guess. So what should i do?"

"Mmm. Just ask her and see what she says." I said and looked away. She laughed a bit before she took my hand in hers, looking at me with an unreadable expression.

"Well in that case...will you be my girlfriend?"

I inhaled a sharp breath, and stared at her for what felt like hours. I didn't know what to say, my brain was all hazy from the wine, and I couldn't think straight anymore.

"I don't...I'm not..." i trailed off as I tried to find the right words. I didn't know what to say. I wasn't sure if I was ready to get into a relationship with Skylar or with anyone else for that matter. "I-I need to use the restroom. I'll be right back." I excused myself.

I grabbed my purse and rushed to the restrooms. They were fancy too, and when I walked in, it smelt of vanilla and lavender. I slowly walked over to where the mirrors where located and stared at my reflection.

Is this what I want? Do I really want to be committed to Skylar the way she wants me to. I'm scared, I don't know what I wanted. Yes sure I want Skylar and I would love for us to be in a relationship. But...what if she hurts me like Alex did and leaves me broken again?

No. Skylar wouldn't do that. I trust her and yes I want to do this with her. I loved every single moment I spent with her, and every day I woke up to the realization that I am falling for my boss. So if that's the case then why the fuck am I being so hesitant. I want to be Skylar's and I want Skylar to be mine.

I took a deep breath, and reassured myself for the last time. I heard the door open, and I didn't bother checking who it was because I felt like I was going to puke if I saw anyone's face with how nervous I am.

Finally, the person who walked in came into view, his huge frame standing behind me and I felt the blood drain from my face.

"Well well well look what we've got here. Little Naomi and her boss proposing to one another, how adorable." He said as I turned to look at the man who made me feel so uncomfortable. Matthew Renault stood in behind me with all his bedazzling glory, and I could've sworn I felt my heart stop beating. How was he even allowed in the women's restrooms?

"What are you doing here?"

"To finish my promise sweetheart. I told you to fucking stay away from Skylar didn't I? And you didn't listen." He smiled, a cruel wicked grin that displayed on his face as he stalked towards me. I backed away from him but the sink stopped me from moving any further. I was trapped between this man and the sink and there was nothing to do but watch as his steps grew closer and closer to me.

It seemed time started moving in slow motion as I tried to run past him but he grabbed my hand and pulled me into him. My eyes widened as I noticed the handkerchief in his hands, and he cuffed my mouth and nose with it. I smelt some chemicals on the cloth, and I realized it was sprayed with chloroform, the sweet chemical choking me.

Now, in the movies, they exaggerate a bit when they say it takes seconds for chloroform to drug you, but it actually took me a few minutes for it to make me unconscious. I fought and struggled to get myself out of his grip, but he was just too strong, his grip tightening on me with every move I made.

"You should've listened to me Naomi Bishop." I heard him say as I slowly started feeling weak and dizzy, my body giving up on me. "Because now...Im going to show you hell."

My eyes widened, but I couldn't keep them open any longer. My mind was screaming at me to stay awake, but with each passing second I just felt weaker and weaker. My mind was screaming for me to get up and fight, but my body wasn't listening. Sooner or later, the only thing my brain was calling out for was Skylar, as I slowly gave in to the darkness.

Oh how I wish I just stayed home and watched Netflix.

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