Chapter 21

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Skylar's P.O.V

We finally reached the location April and Chris gave us, and I wasted no time. I took out the gun I had with me, and looked at the place where I could meet my end. It was a small house, away from the city located in the outskirts of Los Angeles. I wanted nothing more than to strangle that man called Matthew Renault. 

When Riccardo, Father and I got into to house, it was so quiet....too quiet almost.

"You two, go check upstairs. I'll send April to you once she arrives and I'll check upstairs." Father instructed and I nodded, rushing quietly upstairs. 

We looked down the hallway, and Riccardo decided to take the left while i took the right. I carefully opened each door, but all of them were empty. There were 4 doors on the left, and I quickly opened the third one.

Now i was left with one door, and i couldn't help but feel like there is something behind that door which I wouldn't like. I looked around, and burst through the door. What I saw made my heart stop.

Naomi laid on the bed, one hand cuffed to the bedside, her body naked. She was staring at the ceiling, and from where I stood I could see the bruises on her body. No no please, this can't be true my mind is just playing tricks on me right now.

I took slow, steady steps towards, and I watched as she flinched when I came into view.

"P-please no don't touch me. Please." She pleaded, and I held my hands up.

"Hey hey Naomi it's me. It's okay, listen I'm here." I placed the gun on the bed to show her I wasn't going to hurt her. It was as if she didn't know me anymore. She sobbed as she curled herself into a ball, and I felt my heart shutter with each passing second.

I quickly took off the hoodie I was wearing and slowly walked over to her side. I noticed that her hand was cuffed, I looked for something I could use to open it without hurting her. I placed the hoodie on her to cover her body and searched everywhere for the key.

"Skylar did you find- oh shit." April walked in, and stared at me. I nodded my head to answer her question.

"Don't just stand there help me find the keys." I said, my lips trembling. April made a task sound and took something from her hair, rushing over to Naomi and fidgeted with the cuffs until they gave in.

I rushed over to Naomi's side, I was even scared to touch her.

"Hey Naomi, look at me, its me Skylar." I said, and she slowly turned to me. Her eyes widened and she jumped one me, April looking away. I was grateful for that.

"T-thank you for coming for me." She sobbed and I just rubbed her back.

"It's alright, I need you to put on the hoodie. I need to get you out of her." I said and she let me go. I helped her put the hoodie, and she would wince every now and then.

"Family reunion is it?" I heard a voice say from the door way, I suddenly I felt my blood boiling with pure red anger.

Matthew walked in, a gun in his hand. April stared at him, an unreadable expression on her face. I knew she wanted to kill him just as much as I did.

"You know it's stupid how you have no reinforcements and you're the only one in this house." She said.

"Well yes. I thought Skylar was going to come alone, but I guees-" he shrugged. "I thought wrong. Then again, I won't be needing reinforcements. I already got what i wanted." He laughed.

"And what is that?" I questioned.

"You're sweet sweet Naomi. Now I see what you saw in her. She was so fucking good. I just wanted to go for it again but since ya'll are here I guess I'll just have to do it in front of you-" Then all of a sudden, driven by anger, I jumped from where I sat beside Naomi and grabbed my gun, kicking the one Matthew had in his hand and shot him the leg.

Matthew screamed in agony, and Riccardo, Chris, and Father walked in a few seconds later.

"I told you not fuck with me, bastard." I said and pulled the trigger, shooting him straight in his forehead. 

Matthew laid dead on the floor, his eyes staring up at me and my face splattered with this man's disgusting blood.

I turned to Naomi, and i ran to her side when i noticed she was shaking uncontrollably. 

"Father, we have to get her to the hospital. Who knows what sickness that bastard carried with him." April said and I agreed with her, carrying Naomi in my arms. The drive time the hospital was long, but I didn't even realize that because I was just staring at me Naomi.

She had to endure all of that, and I couldn't even do anything. I was too late, I couldn't help her in time. It's all my fault, I wish I hadn't gotten her into this situation. I wish i never dragged her into my life. She would be doing so much better without me there.

When we got to the hospital, we rushed her to the doctor to check up on everything, any STI's. The doctor had insisted that we to do a  forensic exam on Naomi, but father thought it unnecessary as the bitch who did this to her was dead.

And I was so glad he was gone, I just wish I caused him more pain that even in hell he wouldn't ever think of doing such a thing.

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