3. Cloud Star

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Name: Cloud Hopeful Star

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Name: Cloud Hopeful Star

Age: 19

Birthday: January 2nd, 2098 

Height: 10'5''

Appearance: royal blue scales, white horns, black spikes, light blue eyes, two thin turquoise markings on his jaw

Family history: Father: Thunderstar (deceased?)--blue. Mother: Willow (deceased)--raynbow

Personality: Intelligent, cunning, protective, secretive

Defender power: Sea/Ocean

Tribe power: Mind-reading, prophecy(?)

What he hates the most: Deceit, trickery, and being seen as different because he's blue

What is most important to him: Friends and family

Does he get along with others: Yes

Best friend: Coal

Enemies: Darkwhisper, Twisterheart, Fahrenheit, Lionfish

Motivation: Fear of other dragons getting hurt or the realms being destroyed

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