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Hogwarts was the number one wizardry school in the world well until a certain someone became the headmaster. The school fell from its glory while the many people remained ignorant of it but not the purebloods.

They all watched as Hogwarts fell from its glory. They watched as the headmaster slowly restricted many classes such as duelling class, Dark arts. 

They were tired of being oppressed by muggleborns and half-blood who did not even get  to know their culture before labelling them as dark that's when a teenager got angry at the restrictions to practice rituals and tradition which were his birth right were labelled as dark and unnatural.

He was feed up at the fact that the ministry was making laws to restrict magical practices and taking away freedom from magical creature. He got angry when many magical lines died because of those laws.

This led to the birth of the Dark Lord.

                                             Great hall,1975

Sitting in the great hall having breakfast peacefully, the class of 1975 never expected something to happen.

At the Gryffindor table, the marauders could be seen planning their next adventure yet one of them James Potter or as his friends called him 'prongs' who was with his friends Sirius Black 'padfoot,' Remus Lupin 'moony' and Peter Pettigrew 'wormtail,' was busy staring at the beautiful redhead, Lily Evans a muggleborn witch who did not give him a second glance.

The Hufflepuff's were chatting quietly, but their eyes were sharp always ready if anything happen as usual whereas the Ravenclaws were busy making strategies for God knows what.

And at the Slytherin table, Regulus Black the youngest Black could be seen staring at his brother longingly every now and then while conversing with his best friend Rabastan Lestrange and Barty Crouch Jr. silently.

The peaceful environment was broken when the doors of the great hall burst open and familiar and unfamiliar people walked in,

The Blacks – Orion BLACK, Walburga Black, Druella Black, Cygnus Black, Alphard Black and Arcturus Black,

The Potters – Charles Potter and Dorea Potter,

The Weasleys – Arthur Weasley and Molly Weasley with their children Bill and Charlie,

The Lestrange – Rodolphus Lestrange and Bellatrix Lestrange,

The Tonks – Ted Tonks and Andromeda Tonks with their daughter Nymphadora Tonks,

The Minister of Magic along with Alastor Moody, Kingsley Shackelbolt and Amelia Bones,

And lastly a group of unknown people.

Before anyone can question anyone a piece of paper appeared in front of Amelia Bones, who read it right away after checking for any curses or jinx.

Dear witches, wizard, and Gods,

We apologize for the interruption, but this is very important. As soon as you finish reading this letter a stack of movies will appear which are about your and the wizarding world's future.

This may seem like a joke but it's not. The second wizarding world war has happened with a very heavy cost that a certain someone has paid. But it's time to find out the actual truth instead of the lie you all are living with.

Also, as soon as this letter will end some people from the past and future will appear.


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