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Laying on your side, you take small, shallow breaths. The sun begins to glare through the curtains. It was silent. This type of silence could lull someone to sleep with ease.

Your eyes burst open as the silence is broken, the cripping sound of an alarm blaring throughout the dorm. The sound plays for a few seconds too long, causing you to groan and lift your head up, resting on your elbows.

Across the room, your roommate lays freakishly still on her bed. This being a common occurrence, you instinctively look around you. You spot your beloved stuffed bunny, a present Marco had gotten you for your birthday last year.

You sigh, silently apologizing to Mr. Carrot before picking him up and chucking him across the room, hitting your roommate square in the back of her head.

"Annie, turn that shit off!" You huff out.

Annie groans and rubs her eyes. Sitting up completely she turns the alarm off and glares at you. "I will kill you."

You roll your eyes. "Right, make sure you tackle the monstrosity that's your hair first."

As Annie picks up her phone and observes her terrible bedhead in disbelief, you sit up and stretch. You look over to the digital clock that sits on your nightstand.


You have English at 11:15, so you make the decision to get ready. You liked to be at class early to talk one on one with one of your favorite professors. Oh the joys of bothering Professor Ackerman every Monday morning.

You hop off your bed and head to the bathroom to do what any normal person does in the morning. Peeing, brushing your teeth, taking a shower, blah blah blah.

Coming out of the bathroom, Annie is now up and about, searching for something in her stuff. You drop your towel on your bed, and start to look for what to wear.

"Lost something?" You ask, sniffing a random shirt you picked up.

Annie cleared her bed. "Yea there's this one hoodie.." She started before trailing off.

You settled on sweats and a tight crop top. You spoke up, adjusting the material around your breasts. "What does it look like?"

You heard the blonde making a sound of achievement. "Found it."

You turn around, looking at the dark blue, oversized champion hoodie Annie held up in front of her. You furrowed your brows, you could've sworn you've seen it somewhere before, and then it clicks.

Annie turns towards you at your silence and narrows her eyes at the cheeky smile adorning your face. "Y/n don't even."

"Isn't that for Bertholdt? Why do you have it?" You ask casually sitting at your desk and setting up to do your hair.

"He let me borrow it the other day, I just need to return it." Annie grumbled as she started getting ready for her turn in the bathroom.

"I don't know," You start, wincing as you pull a knot out of your hair. "You were about to pop a blood vessel looking for it. I'm afraid you are down real bad Annie."

"Of all the reasons I could pop a blood vessel, you are at the top of the list, Mj." Annie retorts, before shutting the bathroom door.

You grab your heart and gasp in fake pain.

"Don't die on my side!" Annie shouted.

You laugh and stand up to look at your fit in the mirror. Nodding in approval, you start packing essentials in your bag. Gum, charger, weed pouch, lighter, and more.

"I'm leaving! See you later!"

"Not looking forward to it!" Annie responded. You shook your head and now you were off.

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