7 - I'm a bit early

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I opened my eyes and met a dogs face.

"Hey Sal" I chuckled. Sal licked my face and hopped off of my bed, tail wagging.

I never thought I would be so enjoyed for Monday.

Yeah I said it. Monday.

So mayby my weekend went, well to put it lightly, not how I planned it. Watching movies and doing nothing, maybe not nothing ;)  but heh a girl can't help herself If two hot guys are onto her ...

Getting ready for school and eating breakie I got in my car to school.


I got out of my car and walked towards school.

I spotted Glori and walked to her.

"So babe how was your weekend?" Glori asked when I caught up.

"Yeah, it was good, I watched some movies, chilled out...." I drawed out the last part hoping that she didn't ask anything else.

Glori pulled my arm and turned me to face her. "Your hiding something from me... What happened?" She questioned.


I turned and walked slowly.

"Uh...  Nothing, why?" I blushed and looked away.

"Liz.. I know something happened was it..."
What? Wher...

I was pulled into Jake's arms and Travis's. Jake at the front and Travis at the back. I rested my head on Jake's chest and sighed.

I was so content and care free when I opened my eyes and noticed Gloria standing there helplessly.

"Wha...why..I.." Glori stammered.

"Hello gorgeous," Jake said as he pulled me out of his arms and looked at me.

"We missed you." Travis whispered in my ear, sending shivers racing down my back.

"Uh, yeah. I missed you guys too."

"So... Are you guys like a thing?" Glori asked shocked.

"Definitely" and "Absolutely" and "WHAT THE FUCK!! NO WAY!!" could be heared at the same time.

Stunned at the screaming voice I noticed that it was  bitch 1 and bitch 2 (Margot and Isabelle) looking so stunned.

The hallway became quiet and people stopped to see what was going on. Travis moved to face the girls, shielding them away from me and Jake stiffened behind me.

I'm not standing for no crap right now. They can go and stuff em-selves

I felt the boys tense up behind and infront of me.
We should protect our mate's Liz, no way are they going to stand in the way!! Kaytana shouted in my head.

"Uh yeah, what's the matter?" I asked coolly, stepping out of Travis and Jake's death grips.

"Liz!" Whispered Jake.

Margot looked pissed off.

"What's the matter?!" She asked shakily. "What's the matter!!?" She shouted.

"Uh yeah... I asked that didn't I?" I asked, looking around the hallway, sarcastically shrugging.

Snickers came from the hallway as students tried to contain their laughter.

"Shut it!" Shouted Isabelle.

"Well what's the matter is that your ... Touching what's ours! Stand away fatty." She pointed her manicured finger at me.
I've had enough.

"What these?" I turned around to the boys.

'Play along' I mouthed to them. They nodded.

Stepping forward, I grabbed Jake and Travis. Jake's mouth connected with mine as Travis's hand came into contact with my ass and kissed my neck.

Bitch 1 & 2 gasped. And sobbing could be heard.

"...URG!" Isabelle and Margot ran off.

I released myself from the boys only to be bought back to heaven with their kisses.

Claps and whoops were shouted but I didn't care that everyone could hear.

They are mine. Nothing will stand in my way.

'Only me dear, did you forget about me?.....'

Jake and Travis growled.

I snapped out of my blissful daze and looked around. No one was on the hallway, they must have gotten bored with our love.

"Are you okay?" Asked Jake, his voice seemed to fade out. "Liz? You look a bit pale?" Travis looked blurry when I looked at him. His mouth opened slightly and he took in a deep breath.

I looked down the hallway and there stood a dark figure. I couldnt see its face because its head was down.

"I'm a bit early I think, but hey," it chuckled and lifted its head. 

My world spun making me feel sick and I felt a pull towards this, figure. I gasped.

"No, no...I... No!" I screamed. I looked around  for Jake and Travis but they weren't there. No where to be seen.

I ran to the doors of classrooms but their doors were locked shut.

Where are mates!!??
I don't know kaytana.

I ran down the hallway but I tripped and it sent me flying towards the lockers where I hit them and slid to the floor. My back screamed out in pain.

The figure in black approached me and stopped at my feet.

"I told you I would come for you. It took me a while to find you and your mother since you moves around!" He yelled at me and kicked my ribs.

I made a coughing sound, I'm definately going to die.

"So, I am here to collect you Lizzie," he looked at me.

"Mine!" Screamed another voice.

He pounced on me and held  cloth to my mouth.

Darkness was all that I saw.

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