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There's a whole other bitch standing in the corner of the room, this is crazy. I'm trying to be so serious right now but I can't help laughing.

"What is this a two for one special? You got a whole pants suit on. Unless you look good up under that Olivia Pope shit then I ain't trying to fuck. That is not sexy." I speak brashly.

One of her eyebrows drop and she snickers.

"I'm glad you recognize what I'm going for. I know the suit looks great, thank you. But this is no physical affair. This is business. I'm here to fix you. Jabari, my name is Ebony Elijah Greene and I'm the new addition to your team. The job though, is contingent on whether or not I can get you on a plane and back to Nashville where you're supposed to be getting ready for your workout in the morning." She informs me.

I get up and chuckle but really it's to hide the fact that I'm livid. At this point, my people are really beyond pissing me off.

"Let me tell you something..." I start and then I veer off in conversation with myself. "I can't believe they sent a bitch to babysit me. This shit is beyond me damn!" I yell and turn to punch the wall.

I quickly turn back to look at her, smiling to hide the sting from my hand hitting the wall.

"You are going to hurt yourself. Do you need a moment?" She asks calmly.

"A moment for what?"

"To get over this little tantrum."

I grab the lamp out of anger and pull it from the wall. I drop it forcefully from my left hand, watching it shatter on the carpeted floor. Something about the sight of shit coming apart soothes me.

"Fuck!" I yell again. I'm irritated past what I can even put in words right now. Everybody thinks I'm some sort of mess to be cleaned up. But really I'm just vibing.

"I don't need fixing shawty. You can go back to whatever college symposium you came from with this shit. I don't need this right now. The job is canceled, find a new mission cause I ain't it." I shrug.

She huffs, just watching me.

"I'm staying my very happy, black ass, right here. So unless you gonna take them clothes off for me..." I drop my shirt from my shoulders staring down into her eyes. I back her against the wall without meaning to. I'm actually unsure of how I even got this close to her.

Her breath cuts itself short and I can tell I've caught her off guard. She turns her head away from me and I can see that I've made her uncomfortable, which isn't my intention at all. I never want a woman to feel like they're in danger around me. I step back.

"Just get the fuck out." I tell her.

She just stands quietly and I move a few more feet back. I just observe her.

She scratches at her forehead with her long pointed tip nails which leave tiny white lines in her mousse like flesh. The perfect shade of brown, smooth as fuck. No blemishes. She must drink a lot of water. I can tell she doesn't smoke either, her lips are full and an even shade of natural rouge.

"You know what, you're right. You aren't it. You're a disrespectful piece of shit that has both mommy and daddy issues that you take out on the world. You try to drown yourself in liquor, sex, and lies of grandeur to distract yourself from the fact that you're digging a hole you know you'll never climb out of. Before I tack this kind of burden on my back, I'd rather crawl back home to my sorry excuse for a boyfriend and let him dog me the fuck out some more so I could live for free a little longer. At least he's never called me a bitch." She laughs and shakes her head shrugging.

She makes her way toward the room door placing her hands in her pockets.

"I'll relay the message to your people when I touch back down. You enjoy the rest of your evening." She speaks as she walks away.

"Mhmm. You too. Where my girl at? Tell her to come back. She gotta finish her mission though." I find myself so hilarious, I fall out in a fit of laughter and rest on the bed waiting.

I'm going to need a new team. I didn't want to be one of those people that switch up now that the checks have been steady. But, I think it's time for an emancipation from my parents. I'm a legal adult so I'm speaking more so in an emotional and spiritual way. I'm done.


I walk past Tamara on the way back to my suite.

"Hey girl, what's happening? Ya'll leaving?"

"Nope, feel free to enjoy the rest of your evening with him. I mean, he has been bought and paid for. Might as well be of good use to somebody." I raise my hands in surrender.

Her expression switches. She looks excited.

"For real?"

"Mhmm. Have at it sis. You look good by the way. Bleed him dry. I'm sure he's got it on him. I won't tell if you take that tacky ass chain either."

It may teach him a lesson, or he may just buy himself a new one. He's just that kind of corny.

I get back to my suite and decide to call Darnell back after showering.

"Where the fuck you been? And why it look like you laid up in a hotel somewhere. You with another nigga?" He asks with his anger very apparent.

"You with another bitch?" I roll my eyes disgusted at his audacity.

"Here you go with this bullshit."

"Don't insult my intelligence, I'm not a dummy. I saw you fucking Tiara in the car last week."

He remains silent.

"Yeah, fuck you. Stay off my line hoe." I hang up and turn my phone off.

Since the room is reserved for another full night, and my flight back is paid for, I might as well milk this trip for all it's got to offer. I've never been to Vegas before, and I'm sure I can manage to accomplish more than enough sightseeing in a day.


I open my eyes and have to get up to drag myself over to the bathroom so that I can throw up all the liquor I drank last night. And the room service I ordered for me and shawty didn't digest too well neither.

This ain't even my hotel room though. I get up and go back into the room to find that my wallet has been rummaged through. I had at least $2000 in cash on me and my two Cuban links are gone. She had just enough decency to leave my Number 27 chain, but ain't no way.

Both them bitches played me?

Nah, I don't play that shit. That ghetto bitch my parents hired set me up cause she couldn't get her way. I'mma find her ass and set her straight for real.

I go downstairs once I get myself together and ask around at the desk.

"The reservation should be under either Jeffrey Goddard or um, Elijah, her last name starts with a G I think. But I definitely heard that bitch say Elijah, I thought it was peculiar. But I think both of them had rooms here, one of them works for me and the other one was a tag along and she set me up and stole my shit." I express my grievances hoping they can give me some information.

And it didn't take much. She told me they are staying here but couldn't tell me which rooms, which is fine. That means they are still in the city.

I'm not a dummy. A broad like her probably ain't in a rush to go back home. My ego is so big I'd be willing to hotel hop to find this hoe and check her about my change.

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