Chapter 12

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AN: I'll apologize ahead of time, there are probably so many typos in this chapter that need correcting, but most of this chapter was written at 3 in the morning during a hail storm. If you find a typo please comment and I'll fix it.



"So.. now that everything has settled, what happens next?" Jacob asked, bringing everyone's attention to him. "I know blondie is adopting Nessie, but what are we gonna tell Charlie?"

"Whatever you tell him, you better break it to him very gently." Leah said, not that she'd ever admit it but she liked Charlie, he made her mom happy and she didn't want that to end.

"Why can't we just tell him the truth now." Seth suggested, thinking about the mad who may someday be his stepdad.

"Worst case scenario one of us could always compel him to forget." Kol chimed in. "By the way, whose Charlie?" He asked causing a few people to chuckle while Bree quietly explained to him.

"I think the final decision lands on you and your brother." Elijah told Leah.

"Why us?" She asked softly.

"Well in another circumstance, I'd say Renesmee, but she's to young for this. You're the closest thing to being his family. You don't have to make the decision alone, you can consult with your mother and she can help decide as well." Elijah explained.

"Well I think we should tell him." Seth said. "Maybe not everything, at least not at first. We can tell him the basics of what happened and if he wants to know more, then we tell him everything."

"I think that's a good idea but you should still ask Sue what she thinks first." Jacob said.

Leah nodded, "Okay, I'll talk to Mom when they get back from their trip tomorrow."

"Oh, one more thing Leah." Rosalie said softly, "When you talk to Charlie, please tell him that we're not taking Renesmee away from him. He's still welcome to see her whenever he wants. He is her grandfather after all."

Leah smiles softly and needed, "I'll be sure to tell him."

"Well that answers that question, but I have another." Kate said drawing attention to where she sat beside her sister.

"Obviously we all can't stay here forever, we all have lives in other states, and eventually Carlisle and Esme are going to want their house back."

"If you're up for a move, the Mikaelson mansion is plenty big enough." Klaus suggested.

"So if the boarding house, and Mystic Falls is no stranger to supernatural so it's not like you wouldn't fit in." Stefan added.

"Oh, and you could help us set up the school!" Caroline said happily.

"School?" Tanya asked in confusion.

"Caroline and I have been working to start a school for supernatural children. A place where they can be around other kids that are going through the same thing that they are and so they won't have to hide who they truly are." Alaric explained.

Caroline nodded, "We all were brought into the supernatural world as young teenagers and we had to hide who we really were from our other friends and family. When we had Lizzie and Josie, we knew that they deserved better."

"That's a really good idea." Rosalie said, looking down at her three children.

"I'll help. I definitely could've used a place like that when I first turned." Bree butted in, earning a few sympathetic looks from those who knew her story.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2023 ⏰

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