part 16

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Hey, hey Ayanokoji-kun!"

Ayanokoji turned around when he heard his name being called behind him. He was met with a sight of a running Haruka and Airi.

"Hey." Ayanokoji greeted them. He slowed down so the girls can catched up to him.

"Have you received a message too?" Haruka asked him curious. Airi beside her, went along with them silently.

"Yeah, I don't know why it said to go to the classroom rather than the gymnasium though. And it was earlier than the original viewing time too." Ayanokoji said. He have a feeling that something big will happen soon, and he did not like it one bit.

The message was composed of...

«Please head to your classroom before 8 a.m. As required, bring only your phone and I.D with you.»

The message was quite brief and concise to the point. He was left wondering if this was a private viewing between classes, or if Class D is the only one in the viewing this time.

The two girls chatted while they walked. As expected, only Class D students can be seen in the hallway as most students are either still sleeping or in the Keyaki Mall. The three neared their classroom and saw almost all of their classmates waiting inside.

"Why isn't everyone here yet? It's almost 8." Ike said impatiently.

"Calm your horses," Sudo said to him the last student missing. Everyone went to their seat and waited for the projector, who magically there after being seen by the first student to come inside. Fortunately for them, they didn't have to wait longer. The screen light up and...

"Greetings, Class D. Thank you for following my message. The scene that will be shown is delicate and should be treated with caution. A clip or the upper half of the scene will be shown to the other classes, but the lower will only be shown to your class. This scene won't take up more than 15 minutes at most. The remaining time will be used to answer the questions you may have. And for the peace of your mind. I, indeed, was made to think and send messages like a robot would. Thank you for your understanding."

Delicate?" Horikita muttered.

"So our class is the only one who will be viewing this?" Matsushita said thinking. "Why the divide?"

"Maybe the last part is confidential to the other classes?" Hirata suggested.

"Oh, mysterious." Ike laughed with his friends.

"Let's sit and get it done." Horikita sighed.

"May I have a word with you?"

"I don't really feel sociable. Is it okay if I refuse, Chabashira-sensei?"

"Chabashira-sensei?" Sato asked confused.

"Why are you meeting with her, Ayanokoji-kun?" Haruka asked curiously.

Ayanokoji let his chin rest in his palm, "I'm sure it will be shown."

"If you really don't want to, I can just start talking here. You don't mind if we stand outside, do you?"

"It's hot, so please keep it brief."

I had walked to the other side of the ship, so Chabashira-sensei took the lead. We found a place where there weren't any people around and it was
completely quiet before we started talking.

"This seemed to be private." Hirata tense. "Are you okay about watching this, Ayanokoji-kun?"

"It's fine, it's not like I can anything about it." Ayanokoji resigned himself to his fate.

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