Chapter 2

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Lana pov
I watch observantly as Jole and Eli leave the table. I have just finished my food and Maria slides a piece of what I assume to be pie in front of my face. I've never had pie in my whole life. I don't even hesitate. I just start eating it. I take my time though. It tastes good cinnamony I like its really sweet.
When I finish, Maria asks if I want more I decline though I'm grateful for the offer but I'm stuffed being as I have just eaten an entire plate of food on an empty stomach Maria offered to take me to an empty house where I can stay for a little while take a shower and get cleaned up. I agree she shows me where to put my plates and I follow her to the kitchen where I put my plate in the sink and then follow her out the front door. We walk around Jackson it's a lot bigger than I expected. They have everything a place to watch movies a playground a bar a kitchen houses an infirmary almost sounds like what my mom used to describe the world being like before the apocalypse it's weird it's not as scary as the outside world, we walk and walk for what feels like
forever until we reach an empty house she explains to me that's it's right across from her and Tommy's house, she leads me upstairs to a room and tells me that I can use the washroom to shower and get clean. I nod she leaves the room.

I stepped into the water. I don't think I've ever had a proper shower with hot water. It feels good really good it feels like I could just stand in this water forever but after about 15 minutes, the water starts to run cold and I realize that they don't have an infinite supply of hot water, which is to be expected in the fucking apocalypse, I step out turn the water off and wrap myself in a clean, warm towel, then walk back into the bedroom that connects to the washroom I see fresh, clean clothes, sprawled out all over the bed and something really weird. It's called a diva cup. It seems to be some sort of substitute for a tampon useful. I put it in my backpack and get dressed in the new clean clothes and I head downstairs Maria there, waiting for me I ask her where my clothes are she says they're in the rag pile I ask her why she threw away the only belongings I had she simply just shook her head and said you have new clothes now if only she knew how much those clothes truly meant to me I brushed it off though she was right tho these clothes don't have holes in them. They smell clean and are warm. She asked if I'll be OK for a little while I nod she leaves and I just walk around this empty house it could be my house but it's not my home.

Ellie pov it's around five in the evening when we arrive back to the stables, I hop off shimmer and give her light tap on the head as I lead her back to the stable man who puts her back in her stall Jesse and Dina follow me we all know where we're headed to the bar that's where we all hang out here in Jackson well as teenagers the only good thing about the apocalypse, there's not really an age on drinking if you want to drink, just ask, we sit down at a table at the bar and order some moonshine that's all that's left pretty much.They don't really have fruity drinks here in Jackson they ran out years ago. We're sitting there telling Joel and Tommy about the infected and how many there were on our patrols and what we saw and how many were killed when the bell rings indicating that someone else has walked in to the bar I look up I meet eyes with Maria, and behind her, is Lana, do you know who that is whispers Dina I tell her that it's some girl Tommy and Maria rescued on their patrol Jesse and dina are looking at me for answers, but I don't have any. I don't know anymore than they do. She comes in and sits at a table by herself as Maria comes to talk to Tommy she pulls Tommy away from the table and they go have a private conversation. Joel tells me not to stare but I'm just curious I'm curious where she came from and if she is actually who she says she is you can't be too careful you can't trust anybody in this day and age.
    And then I see kat walk up to her and sit down at the table. Of course she would typical kat.She did the same to me when I came here, took me under her wing, gave me this tattoo to cover my bite. Mark I watch intently me and kat broke up over a year ago but I still don't want her getting hurt over this girl we know nothing about or where she's from or even if she is, who she says she is.

Lana pov
Some girl has just sat down at my table tells me her name is kat.I tell her my name is Lana she engages in a normal conversation asks me where I'm from why I'm here and what happened I basically just gave her the rundown that Tommy and Maria found me and brought me here to help me. She asks if I'm gonna stay and I wonder if I should tell her that I'm planning on leaving tonight or just to keep it to myself, I simply say Jackson is not my home, but I greatly appreciate all the hospitality that I have received from Tommy and Maria and multiple people here in Jackson. She just nods. I don't like her there's something off about her can't put my finger on it but then again, I just hate people not for any particular reason maybe because i blame them for what happened to my father and what happened to my mother, but I've always just preferred it to be me by myself I like to be alone I've come accustomed to it. It'my way of life. I've survived on my own for the last eight years of my life, and I can for another eight at least I don't need anybody else but myself I've learned how to fend for myself how to feed myself how to take care of myself just then I noticed ellie staring at me. I've never even said a word to her but she's staring at me with this cold glare like I've done something wrong. What is this bitches problem I think to myself, I glare back at her give her and give her a dirty look, and she looks away. I hate teenage girls they're always so annoying and so judge mental even in the fucking apocalypse. I stand up really fast and walk away from kat and go to the bar and ask for the stronger shit they got the bar Man hands me what he says is moonshine I shoot it back I don't even make a face which I think surprised him a bit. I ask for another and another and after I've had about five shots I stand up to leave. I find Maria and Tommy talking on the side. They see the state I'm in and then they ask me a question I would have never expected. They asked me if I want to stay. They asked me if I'd like to be a part of their family, how could they. They just met me how could they think that I'd want to stay here? I didn't even answer them. I just walked away. It's nice here. I don't like the people but it's safe here there's food here there's shelter here there's water here I'm safe here. Maybe I will stay but just for now till I'm healed at least.

Elli pov
I watch as she shoots back shot after shot after shot of moonshine, she stands up again and heads for the door of the bar but Maria and Tommy stop her. They pull her aside for a conversation. I don't know exactly what they said but she looks pissed off. She heads straight out of the bar, ignoring them as they call out to her wonder where she's going , I don't care that much though I don't trust that girl. I don't think she is who she says she is.

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