Chapter 3

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Lana pov
I walk out of the bar the sun is just about to set it's about to be dark soon I walk along the streets of Jackson. They're quieter now there's not as many people around. There's a few kids running up and down the street. It's weird I've never felt this sense of safety in my whole life I've always had to look over my shoulder constantly be aware of my surroundings. It's hard to just turn that off, but for some weird reason I don't have that instinct here in Jackson I haven't looked over my shoulder once never thinking twice about an extra foot step behind me. My thought stop at once when I realized I'm in front of the house, I open the door it's not locked. None of the houses here are locked. I think it's just a rule here that you don't steal from one another it's like Jackson's own little world closed off from the rest but I don't mind it I find it weirdly peaceful. I walk in and shut the door behind me, slide my shoes off and set them by the front door and walk up the stairs to my room I've never said that before I've never had my own room. Really, my backpack is still there I reach in and grab a photo of my mom and sit on my bed. I think she'd be proud of me, but I can hear her voice in the back of my head, telling me not to trust these people, maybe they're not who they seem to be but they haven't caused me any harm so far they have been just really helpful. I see that Maria has laid out. What looks to be pyjamas I have never ever in my life warm pajamas. I take my dirty clothes off and throw them on the chair to the side of the bed and then reach for the new pyjamas and slide them onto my body instantly filling me with warmth. I then slide into bed and pull the covers over me turn off the bedside lamp and just close my eyes.

Maria pov
Lana has just left in a rush shes too intoxicated to process what we've just asked her so I let her go I turn to Tommy he gives me a knowing nod. For some reason there's something different about Lana I try not to get attached to the newcomers because not all of them stay but there's something about that teenage girl that just seems so sad like she's broken like some tragic event destroyed her whole life she didn't have anyone with her when we found her. She was all alone with only a backpack on her back and a shotgun I don't like to assume but it doesn't look like she has a family looking after her. I don't expect her to trust us immediately but then again, I don't know if we can trust her either. She's closed off really quiet, and a little rude but to be fair I get it I understand where she's coming from. She doesn't owe us anything. She doesn't have to trust us she doesn't have to like us, but I'd like her to. I'd like her to stay. I'd like her to be a part of our family here in Jackson.

Joel POV
I get up from my seat and walk over to Eli. She looks heated. Something is bothering her. I tap her on the shoulder and ask if I can pull her for a chat. She nods and I follow her out of the bar. I ask her what's wrong and she basically just offloads on me about how we can't just bring random people in to  Jackson about how we can't just trust people like that how it could be a trap how she could be communicating with other people on the outside putting everyone in Jackson in danger, I stop her though I listen to her intently. I don't think she realizes that we were once the people no one trusted we were the outsiders. I try to explain to Eli that we can't just assume we don't know what that girls been through or where she's coming from and she's right we can't just trust her but we can't exactly just throw her back out, she still injured. She's just a kid she looks to be around Eli's age I think to myself I wonder if she has a family I pause. I look back up to. Elie she looks at me and just nods I tell her to try and treat Lana with respect and make her feel welcome, at least try she agrees and I pull her into a quick hug and say good night. She calls me an old geezer for going to bed so early I don't blame her I am getting quite old.

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