Part 2

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*In the car*

Y/N : So where do you live?

Bright : Near the school. You probably live pretty far from the school.

Y/N : Not really. 20 minutes away haha.

Bright : I see. You live alone?

Y/N : Yeah I live alone. My parents live in America.

Bright : Oh but why?

Y/N : For their business. They live there.

Bright : Isn't it hard for you to alone?

Y/N : Nope. I am used to it.

Bright : That's great.

Y/N : Do you live alone?

Bright : Nope I live with my parents.

Y/N : I see.

Bright : Yep. You should visit our house today. They will really like you.

Y/N : Haha hopefully I will visit.

A/N POV : You reached your destination. You stopped the car and then you got off the car. You smiled at him.

Y/N : Thank you very much for dropping me. Come inside.

Bright : No no not today I have plans today. Can I have your number? *smiles*

Y/N : Sure why not.

A/N POV : You guys exchanged numbers. Then you unlocked your house door with the keys.

Y/N : Bye Bright! Good night.

Bright : Good night.

A/N POV : He smiled at you and you smiled back at him.

*At Nani's place*

Bright : I am back guys.

Dew : Finally you came.

Win : We were waiting for you.

Nani : Yep. Here have this. *Gives a packet of chips to Bright*

Bright : Thanks. *Started munching*

Dew : Guys let's watch movies instead of playing games. We play games almost all the time. Let's watch a K-Drama. Let's watch nevertheless. There's Han So Hee.

Win : Bro will you stop obsessing over Han So Hee?

Dew : I can't. She's so perfect.

Nani : Aishh.

Dew : I am kidding. I am not obsessed. I just like her.

Bright : Okay let's watch something.

A/N POV : Bright played friends in the TV. Everyone started watching while eating snacks. After sometime everyone fell asleep except Bright. He saw everyone sleeping so he turned the TV off and then went to sleep.

*The next morning*

A/N POV : You woke up and went to the washroom and got fresh. Then you went downstairs and started making breakfast for yourself. You heard the doorbell. You went towards it and opened the door and saw Tontawan.

Tontawan : I am here *smiles*

Y/N : Finally. Come in.

A/N POV : She came in and you went back to your cooking. You made some scrambled eggs with cheese and two slices of toasted bread. Tontawan started eating and so did you.

Y/N : You know, Bright dropped me home yesterday.

Tontawan : Really? Damn you and the boys are getting closer.

Y/N : Haha. I refused him but he was insisting me so much that I couldn't refuse and it was pretty late.

Tontawan : I think he has feelings for you.

Y/N : Seriously? It's not even a day we became friends. So I don't think he likes me.

Tontawan : No one knows. There's a word called "Love at first sight". So Bright must have liked you when he just saw you.

Y/N : I don't know. I hope he doesn't like me. Because he will get hurt. I don't have feelings for him.

Tontawan : He won't even confess to you so early.

Y/N : I don't know. But he is a really gentleman though. His friends are also really good.

Tontawan : Yeah of course. They look like they are bad but they aren't.

Y/N : Yeah I know.

A/N POV : You and Tontawan spent the whole day together. Tontawan went home and you eat dinner and went to sleep.

*At Bright's place*

Bright's mom : Bright we are going to Australia for some works okay? Take care of youself and if you bring your friends then there are snacks you can give them.

Bright : Okay mum. Take care of yourself.

Bright's dad : And I pray that you get a girlfriend when we are away. Okay?

Bright : Dad!!!

Bright's parents : *laughs* take care sweetheart.

Bright : Goodbye! *Smiles and closes the door*

The popular boy (Bright Vachirawit x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now