Part 7

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A/N POV : Bright woke up and saw you sleeping peacefully. He smiled and kissed your forehead. He got got off the bed and then went to the kitchen and started cooking some fried eggs. You woke up but didn't see him. So you stood up but instantly fell down on the bed. You cursed under your breathe. Bright came to the room and laughed as he knew you fell again.

Y/N : Why are you laughing? Come here and freaking help me.

Bright : *laughing hard* I am sorry.

Y/N : Bright you are making me mad now.

Bright : *laughing hard*

Y/N : Bright!

Bright : Okay I am sorry.

Y/N : I just fell down nothing else!

Bright : I was laughing because your stubbornness.

Y/N : I hate you.

Bright : But I love you.

Y/N : It didn't work.

Bright : Oh god I am sorry. Come let's go and eat.

A/N POV : He came to you and helped you standing up. You guys went to downstairs and he served the food to you. You started eating and Bright received a text from Tontawan.

Tontawan (on the text) : Where are you? Where is Y/N? Why didn't you two come to school.

Bright (on the text) : Sorry for not informing you. Yesterday I accidentally took Y/N's house keys so I came to return them to her but because of standing in cold for a pretty long time, she got severely sick. So I stayed in her house and will stay with her until she completely recovers.

Tontawan (on the text) : Oh no. How is she?

Bright (on the text) : Better than yesterday.

Tontawan (on the text) : Thank goodness she is okay. Where's she? I called her but she didn't answer.

Bright (on the text) : Her phone died. I will tell her to call you back.

Tontawan (on the text) : It's fine. I will come here.

Bright (on the text) : Okay then. Where are the boys?

Tontawan (on the text) : They are in the cafeteria. I am infront of my locker taking my stuffs.

Bright (on the text) : Okay then that's good.

Tontawan (on the text) : Okay Bright talk to you later. I have to go. Goodbye.

Bright (on the text) : Goodbye.

A/N POV : You were eating being unbothered and Bright also started eating.

Y/N : Who texted you?

Bright : Tontawan.

Y/N : What did she say?

Bright : She asked why didn't go to school. Also she called you but your phone died.

Y/N : Oh no. I have to call her back then.

Bright : No need. She said she will come.

Y/N : Oh okay.

*In school*

Win : Bright and Y/N didn't came today. Why?

Nani : Maybe they had a rough night. *jokes*

Dew : That was a very lame joke you know.

Tontawan : Y/N is sick. That's why Bright is taking care of her.

Win : What happened to her?

Tontawan : Bright accidentally took her house keys so she had to stand in the cold and she got severely sick.

The popular boy (Bright Vachirawit x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now