Part 3

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A/N POV : You were watching TV but you heard your phone ringing. You looked at the phone and saw Bright calling you. You smiled and picked up the phone.

Y/N (on the phone) : Hey! What's up?

Bright (on the phone) : Great. My parents went to Australia for some work.

Y/N (on the phone) : Oh no you are all alone right?

Bright (on the phone) : Yeah. I am pretty bored.

Y/N (on the phone) : Then come over to my house.

Bright (on the phone) : Are you sure?

Y/N (on the phone) : Sure. Come here I am also alone.

Bright (on the phone) : Okay. I am coming *ends the call*

*10 minutes later*

A/N POV : You heard the doorbell and you knew it was Bright. So you opened it and he smiled at you and looked at you lovingly. You smiled back. He came in.

Bright : Your house is pretty.

Y/N : Thank you. Have a sit.

Bright : *nods and sits on the couch*

Y/N : Wanna have some thing?

Bright : No thank you I had dinner.

Y/N : Oh okay. When did your parents leave?

Bright : 30 minutes ago.

Y/N : Where's your friends?

Bright : Win is busy with his father's work. Nani is in his hometown for some issues. Dew is spending time with his parents as their here to visit him.

Y/N : Aww poor you. *ruffles his hair*

Bright : I am alone. *pouts*

Y/N : It's okay I am here to accompany you.

Bright : So where is your friend Tontawan?

Y/N : She is out of the city for some important work.

Bright : Poor you. You are also alone.

Y/N : Yeah.

Bright : You are always alone in this humongous house.

Y/N : Yeah always. Tontawan comes and visits me sometimes.

Bright : It's okay. When she is not here, call me I will come here and visit you.

Y/N : *smiles* thanks for that.

Bright : My pleasure. *smiles back*

Y/N : You really look cute when you smile you know. *smiles*

Bright : Oh do I? Then I will smile more often. *smiles*

Y/N : You should. Haha.

Bright : Oh I have something to tell you.

Y/N : What?

Bright : Dew likes Tontawan.

Y/N : Really? *excited*

Bright : Yeah.

Y/N : Well I think Tontawan likes him too.

Bright : Really? But how do you know?

Y/N : She talks about Dew a lot. I think Dew also texts her and talks to her. She tells me everything.

Bright : Yeah they exchanged numbers.

Y/N : I see.

Bright : So what does Tontawan say?

The popular boy (Bright Vachirawit x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now