Part 4

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Dew, Win and Nani : WHAT?! You freaking went to her house?!

Bright : Yah you guys why are you reacting like I did a crime?

Dew : Your behaviour is suspicious.

Win : You perhaps.. like... her?

Nani : I bet he likes her.

Bright : I-uhm...

Dew : His silence proves that he likes her.

Bright : I think... I... do?

Win : You know what? Stop your lame acting.

Bright : Fine I like her.

Nani : We knew it.

Dew : Okay my friend. You better be a gentleman to her. Then I bet she will like you too.

Win : I don't know but my heart says that Y/N also likes him.

Nani : Same.

Dew : I also have a feeling she likes you.

Bright : I don't know.

Win : Well let's see what happens.

Dew : *nods*

Bright : Btw Dew. I have a good news for you.

Dew : For me? What's that?

Bright : Tontawan likes you too.

A/N POV : Dew, Win and Nani's eyes grew bigger. They got really shocked.

Win : How did you know?!

Bright : Y/N told me that she talks about Dew all the time. I also asked her what she says. She replied that it won't finish if she starts saying.

Nani : Damn she likes her a lot then.

Dew : *Blushing*

Win : Dew why are your cheeks red?

Dew : I-uhm..

Bright : Aww look who's blushing.

Dew : Bright stopp!

Nani : Feeling shy huh?

Win : We are happy for you Dew. You better confess her as soon as possible.

Dew : I will.

A/N POV : Tontawan is standing in the rooftop. Enjoying the fresh air. Dew entered and saw her.

Dew : Tontawan?

Tontawan : *looks at him* Dew? What are you doing here?

Dew : Nothing just here for some fresh air.

Tontawan : Oh okay.

Dew : Where's your friend?

Tontawan : She went home. Where are your friends?

Dew : They are in the cafeteria.

Tontawan : Oh okay.

Dew : *nods*

A/N POV : Tontawan was looking at the view. Dew was just looking at her. Admiring her beautiful face. Her hairs flying on her face. He removed them from her face. Tontawan looked at him. He was already looking at her. Their beautiful eyes met. They were staring at each other's eyes. After sometime, Dew leaned his face towards her face. Tontawan's heart was pounding. Dew and her face was just inches away. But Dew just patted her head and backed away. Tontawan was shocked.

Dew : What did you think? I would kiss you?

Tontawan : W-what?! No no.

Dew : *smiles* I am going now. Bye.

The popular boy (Bright Vachirawit x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now