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Ellie walked into work. She was an FBI agent and had recently started to work for the BAU. Ellie was the daughter of detective Olivia benson. Her mom worked for the NYPD special victims Unit

Ellie knew that she hadn't had an easy childhood and her teenage years had been rocky. She had been through some stuff and her and her mom's relationship had always become broken because of it

But in the end her mom was there for her and for that she was grateful for. Ellie knew how it had always been her and her mom and how proud that she was over her but Ellie knew how she wanted to help people all over and it was why she wanted to work for the FBI

Ellie got to work and sat at her desk. She looked to see derek as he looked to her and smirked

"What are you smirking at" she asked as he looked to her

"Your late" he said as she looked to him and rolled her eyes

"Bite me" she said as she ran her hands through her hair. She grabbed a coffee off of the side and took a sip as Morgan looked to her

"You really don't give a fuck do you" he asked as she shrugged

"Nope. Why do you care" she asked as the two of them held a look.

Derek Morgan didn't know what it was over ellie but he knew that she seemed to get under his skin. Ellie couldn't help but think over how cocky that Morgan was and she knew that he reminded her of someone and she couldn't put her finger on it and it scared her

Ellie knew that a lot had happened and she knew that things in her life was far from easy but she didn't understand how derek Morgan got to her

Ellie walked back to her desk and sat down as she ran a hand through her hair "we're wading on a night out. Are you in" jj asked

"Definitely. I'm stressed and I need a relief"

"I know a way you can relive stress" Morgan said as he looked to her. She rolled her eyes as she looked to him

"You have a hand derek why don't you use it. You'd be lucky enough to get near me" she said as he looked to her and smirked

"Are you coming tonight" jj asked Morgan

"He is probably with his many woman. You know all those woman who can't get enough"

"Are you jealous" he asked as she looked to hun and rolled her eyes as she looked to him up and down

"No. I am far from jealous" she said as Morgan looked ti her.

Everyone in the bau knew that it was tense with her and Morgan. The two seemed to slightly flirt but other than that. They seemed to be at each other's throats

"How much longer are you going to wind him up" jj asked as Ellie shrugged

"I haven't decided" Ellie said

Ellie stood getting ready as she looked to a photo of her and her mom. It was from where she graduated high school and it scared her as she thought over her experiences from high school

She knew how much that she looked up to her mom and how her mom had helped her deal with something and issues that she had and she knew it if wasn't for her mom that she would be dead

She jumped as her phone rang. She looked to see it was Olivia and smiled as she answered the phone

"Hi mom" she said as she answered the phone

Ellie stood in the club getting drunk. She knew that there had been a tough few cases. And she knew that she needed to let her hair down

She knew that it wasn't easy. She looked to see as Derek walked over to her

"Do you know what your problem is" he asked as she looked to him and rolled her eyes

"Oh come in. I'd like to here this" she said

"Your from New York. Your mom is Olivia benson. Your uptight and you think your entitled because of your mother" he said as Ellie looked to him

"You know nothing about my mother or me mr I'm from Chicago. My mother has worked hard to get to where she is. I have, your interest in me derek it's always stalker like" she said as the two of them held a look

She went to walk away as he grabbed her arm. Ellie frowned as he pushed her against the wall. The two of them looked to each other

"What are you doing to do now stent Morgan, cuff me?" She asked

Ellie stood outside of the club as she waited for a cab. She was drunk. She could feel herself stumbling as she felt herself stumble. She felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist as she turned to see Morgan and looked to him and frowned

"Come on let's get you in a cab" he said as she looked to him

"I don't need your help derek" she said as the two of them held a look. He looked to her and sighed as he helped her into a cab.

He knew how it was and how it was far from easy and he didn't know what it was when it came to Ellie benson but she seemed to get on his last nerve

He looked to see a cab pull up and placed her in. The two of them held a look as she got inside. She looked as it drove back to her apartment unaware of just what it was between her and derek morgan but he seemed to get on her last nerve

Little did Ellie know just how everything was going to change when it came to the two of them.

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