𝗛𝗼𝘀𝗽𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗹 𝘀𝘁𝗮𝘆𝘀

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Ellie groaned to herself as she lay in the back of an ambulance. She had been shot. She looked to Morgan ego sat next to her in the ambulance

"Are you okay" he asked as she looked to him and smiled

"It's just my shoulder I'll be fine derek. Besides I didn't know that you cared" she said as he looked to her and sighed

"Look I know how things are and I know it's not easy and I know how it is with us but believe it or not I don't hate you" he said as she turned to face him and smiled

"Me neither. I just think we are as hot headed as each other" she said as he nodded

"Did they catch the hit. You know before he shoot me" she asked as Derek smiled

"Yeah. Aimee and hotch went after him. It's okay" he said as she looked to him and nodded. She looked as the paramedics got him n as Morgan smiled

"I spoke to your mom she's very intimidating she's going to meet us at the hospital as well as Aimee" Morgan said as Ellie nodded

She groaned at the pain in her shoulder. She knew that if it was a bit closer that it could be her heart and how it could be fatal but she was glad that she was okay

"Thanks for having my back and that" Ellie said as Morgan smiled

"You don't need to thank me. Your my partner still and it's my job" he said as the two of them looked to each other

Ellie groaned in pain as she felt the pain of the gunshot and the bullet in her shoulder as it suddenly hit her. She knew that she was in pain but lucky to be alive

Ellie sat in the hospital and looked to see Aimee as she walked in and looked to her and smiled "are you okay" Aimee asked as Ellie smiled

"Well you know getting shot and that. But I'm good. I heard that you got the creep"

"Yeah. Well mom is interrogating him and you know what she is like. Are you sure that your okay"

"Aimee" Ellie said as she warned her sister. Aimee sat next to her and looked to the bandage on her sisters shoulder and smirked

"What" Aimee asked

"What's going on with you and hotch. Did you fuck" Ellie asked as Aimee looked to her and rolled her eyes

"What, Ew no. He's a jerk. It's like you and derek fucking"

"Oh yeah totally. Derek and I can't stand each other but we both know we're both hot headed, I know I am as much to blame for it" Ellie said as Aimee smiled

"It's called sexual tension dear sister" Aimee said as she rested her feet on the bed and started to eat grapes. Ellie looked to her sister and groaned

"I need more morphine to deal with you" Ellie said. Aimee looked to her and rolled her eyes. Ellie knew just what her sister was like and knew just how to drive her insane

Ellie looked to see Olivia as she walked in and groaned "I should really kill you. Putting yourself in danger like that Eleanor" Olivia said as Ellie looked to her and sighed

"I'm sorry but I am but a kid mom. I can handle things" she said as Olivia looked to her and sighed

"I know that your not a kid but your still my kid both you and Aimee. I know what you have been through and as your mother it's my job to worry over you. Okay" Olivia said as Ellie nodded

"I was raped mum. It wasn't rape in my eyes st the time but now I know what it was. I went down a dark path and you and Aimee saved my life in the end and it's why I do this. Work for the fbi I want to help those who could be in the same situation and I want to get into the minds of people who did it. I want to get into the mind of my teacher of the time" Ellie said as Olivia smiled

"He's doing time. You weren't the only one but you will be okay" Olivia said as Ellie smiled. She groaned in pain as she rested her head back

"Do you want some painkillers" Olivia asked

"No,  I am trying not to use them but after last time" Ellie said. She knew what had happened last time and she wasnt going to rely on drugs

"Do they know, the team over your past with them" Olivia asked as Ellie looked around her and sighed

"No. They don't need to know. I am clean mom and I am okay" Ellie said as Olivia looked to her and smiled

Ellie groaned as she was discharged. She looked to see Morgan as he walked in with a wheelchair and looked to her

"I am not getting into that" she said as he smiled

"Yes you are. Not my orders. Aimee and your mothers" he said as she sighed

"I hate them"

"There your family be grateful" Morgan said as Ellie looked to hun and crossed her arms over her chest and looked to him

Are you really telling me what to do" she asked as he looked to her and sighed

"I'm just saying that you should be thankful that you have a family that love you and will do anything for you that's all I am saying" he said as she looked to him and sighed

"And what a lot you mr family man"

"I watched as my father was killed in front of me" he said

"I never knew mine" Ellie said as Morgan smiled

"I'm sorry look come in before you get us shot again" he said as she looked to him and rolled her eyes as she got into the wheelchair as he lead her off

Ellie knew how things were with her and Morgan and how it wasn't easy. Little did she know how everything was going to change between them

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