𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗬𝗼𝗿𝗸

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A/N; Aimee benson and any children she has belongs to _X_Sammii_X_

Ellie woke up to the sound of her alarm going off. She groaned as she felt her hangover hit her. She sat up and groaned as she knocked her alarm off

She sat up and groaned as she went to grabbed her phone off of the side as she stood from the bed. She groaned as she heard the doorbell to her apartment go. She got out of bed and answered it as she saw Aimee

"Hey slag. Are you expecting someone else dressed like that" Aimee asked as she walked in. Ellie looked to her sister and rolled her eyes at her

"What are you doing here Aimee" Ellie asked as Aimee smiled

"Mom called. She said that you skipped out in dinner last week"

"I meant in the city"

"Oh I joined the bau too" Aimee said

"Did mom send you to spy on me. We're twins but you don't need to spy on me" Ellie asked as Aimee raided her fridge for food

"No. I wanted a chance for New York. I wanted to see you and I thought what better to do then join my sister. I spoke to your boss, hotch, he seems like a bit of an ass" Aimee said as Ellie looked to her and chuckled

"He's...hes something he's not as bad as some. Especially one agent I work with" Ellie said as she grabbed herself a coffee and sighed.

She heard her phone ring off of if the side. She looked to the messages off of Morgan and groaned. She wasn't in the mood to deal with him

"Okay...we'll if your staying you don't snitch to mom like you use too as when we're teenagers. I have to get dressed apparently there is a case in" Ellie said

She knew how she had to go and deal with derek Morgan with a hangover

Ellie got to work and sat in the round room. She and Aimee took a seat. Ellie sighed as she took a seat next to Morgan

"Well don't you look all bright and chirpy today princess" Morgan said as Ellie looked to him and glared

"Bite me" Ellie spat. She took a sip of her coffee as jj started to resent the case "grace killer. Seventeen. Was found raped, murdered and the killer took Part of her body" jj said

"Her liver" Ellie asked as jj nodded

"It's not the first killing how many victims" Emily asked

"10, he raped murders young girls from fifteen to twenty five. Each time he takes a part of her. We believe the unsub is in New York and we will be liaising with the special victims until in new York" jj said

Ellie and Aimee held a look. They knew that meant they were going home to New York and how they'd be working with their mother

"Wheels up in thirty" hotch said. Aimee looked to him and mocked up. Ellie rolled her eyes as she stood up and sighed. She hated any case that meant back to New York especially after what she had been through in the past

"Hey. It will be okay. Your not a kid anymore" Aimee said as Ellie nodded. She knew Aimee was right

Ellie got the the precinct at New York. She stood with Morgan who looked to her "what's the deal with you" he asked as she looked to him and frowned

"Excuse me"

"Your colder then usual. Your mom works here and your being off what's going on" he asked as she looked to him

"Since when do you care"

"I do care in big as heartless as some" he said as she looked to him. She could feel her blood boil

"Screw you" she spat

"You need to grow up" Morgan said. The whole team was looking at them as Ellie saw Olivia as she walked into the room


"Mom" Ellie said as Aimee smiled

"Yes hi I'm here too. Your other daughter" Aimee said as Olivia looked to her and smiled

"I can see you baby" Olivia said as she hugged Aimee. Ellie looked to them as Olivia walked over and hugged her

"Agent hotchner" hotch said as he introduced himself

"Pleasure. There's not much I can tell you but I'm waiting on dna tests right now. Whoever this guy is has to have done it before" Olivia said

Ellie stood looking at the crime scene photos as she looked to see Olivia walk over to her

"Do you know how long it has been since you came to New York" she said as Ellie smiled

"It's been a while, I know what happened in the past. I know that you still blame me" Olivia said

"No I don't mom I just can't get that look on your face out of my head. When you found me in bed with him. I was sixteen I didn't know what it was"

"It was shock. All I have done is for you and Aimee and I know that you have some anger towards me because of it but you went down a dark path and I did all I could to protect you. I'm a product of a rape and you know that which is why I have always made you aware" Olivia said as Ellie smiled

She looked over to see Aimee and hotch who were arguing and chuckled. She knew that they were just as bad as her and Morgan seemed to be

"Ellie" Morgan said as she turned to face him

"We found someone" he said as Ellie nodded

"I'm coming" Ellie said as she followed Morgan out of the precinct

Ellie got to the crime scene with Morgan "are you okay. I saw some tension with you and your mom. You know that you can talk to me" he said as she looked to him and smiled

"It's just some stuff that happened when I was sixteen seventeen. It's tense. But she's my mom you know" Ellie said as he nodded

"I can tell that she loves you. It will be okay" Morgan said as the two of them held a look

"Come on" Ellie said as they headed to the house. Ellie gripped her gun and followed Morgan inside.

They heard a struggle and looked to see the unsub who stood in front of them. He had a gun pointed at them.

Ellie and Morgan held a look. There was a struggling as the sound of the gun went off. Someone had been shot but who?

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