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I stared at my phone.

I never had anyone to call or text except my parents and I only called then when I needed a ride or something.

My palms were sweaty. I rubbed them on my jeans and picked up my phone. I pulled up Austin's contact and my thumb hovered over the call button.

I really can't picture anyone having a crush on me. I can't picture someone thinking about me before they fall asleep. I can't picture anyone getting butterflies because I said hi to them, or even just smiled at them. I can't picture someone smiling at their cell phone when were talking. I mean like... Why would they even do that? I'm just me. Nothing extraordinary, or special.

"Who's that?" A voice said behind me.
I jumped and my phone flew out of my hand, onto the bed, and onto the floor. I spun around to see who it was.

"What the heck Abby?" It was my annoying older sister Abby.

"Who was that?" She repeated.

"None of your business." I retorted.

"Austin Brown? How did you manage to get his number? Did you bribe someone to give it to you?"

"No! Why would I? You know I don't like any guy! And why did you ask me if you already saw my phone?"

"C'mon Maria. Everyone has a crush wether they try to or not. Now how did you get his number then? If you didn't bribe someone?"

"If you must know, he gave it to me today. Now go away, he wanted me to call him."

"Oooooohhh!!!! Somebody has a crush!!!"

"No I don't!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say." She said, waving her hand behind her as she exited my room.

I walked over to where my phone fell, and picked it up.

'Austin Brown'
'In Call'


I hung up. Shoot. Shoot. Shoot. Did he hear that whole thing?

'Austin Brown'

I pressed my phone to my ear. It rang for what seemed like forever.

"Hey! You have reached Austin Brown! I cannot answer the phone right now. Sorry! Leave your name and number and I'll get back to you as soon as possible! Bye!"

Oh, no. He didn't answer. Shoot. I can't believe he heard that whole conversation. I said that I didn't have a crush on him, which I don't, but it could've hurt his feelings. Maybe he doesn't want to go on a date with me anymore. He probably doesn't. Why would he anyway?

I left a message saying to call me back whenever.

I decided that I would call him one more time, and if he didn't answer again I wouldn't bother him again.

'Austin Brown'

The answer machine came on again, and I presses 'End Call'. I shut off my phone. I set it on my bed, and walked out of my room.

"ABBY!!!" I screamed.

"WHAT?!?!?" She screamed back.



I ran down the hallway and opened her door.

"What?" She asked annoyed.

"Austin heard our whole conversation!!!"

"Hahaha seriously?" she was laughing. Laughing.

"Yes!! And I tried to call him back TWICE but he didn't answer!!!

"Hahaha wow"

"Thanks a lot!!" I stomped off. I went downstairs and started watching TV. My parents wouldn't be home in time to make dinner, so I had to find something to eat. All we had that I didn't have to make was cereal and some leftover pasta. Cereal and pasta it is. I heated up some pasta in the microwave and poured myself a bowl of cereal.

I set them both down on the coffee table and changed the tv channel until I got to something that looked interesting. It was this show about a girl who cheats on this guy and he gets mad at her and asks out her sister and they get into this huge fight and it turns out that the girl didn't even cheat on the guy. When it was over, I brought my dishes to the sink and washed them. I put them away and hopped up the stairs to my room.

I flopped onto my bed and picked up my phone.

'Missed Call from Austin Brown'
'Missed Call from Austin Brown'
'Missed Call from Austin Brown'
"3 New Voicemails from Austin Brown'

Woah. Three missed calls and three voicemails?

I played the first voicemail.

"Hey Maria! Sorry I didn't answer the phone before, I had to drive my sister to her friends house and left my phone at my house by accident. Call me back!"

Oh my gosh.

I played the second one.

"I'm sorry Maria ok? I didn't mean to not answer you! Please answer or call me back!!!! Please!!!"

Oh my gosh.

I played the third one.

"Maria... please answer your phone!!! I really want to talk to you!!"

Oh my gosh.

I immediately called him back.

The phone didn't even ring once before I could hear his voice on the other line.


"Yes, this is she."

"I thought you hated me for not answering you."

"No I don't hate you, I was just watching tv and left my phone in my room."

"Well looks like we both misunderstood each other."

"Yeah." I paused. "I have a question for you."

"Shoot it."

"Did you happen to hear a conversation me and my sister may have had while I accidentally called you?"

"Yeah, umm," uh oh. "well I heard the beginning of it but then I didn't want to eavesdrop, so I didn't listen to the rest of it."

"Well, what did you hear?"

"I heard your sister say like who was that and something about you bribing someone to get my phone number and you saying something about not liking any guy. Thats it, I promise."

"Ok, I believe you."



"Can I ask you a question since you asked me a question?"

"Of course. Shoot it." I can't believe I copied him.

"Are we still on for Friday night?"

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