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My heart ached for love. I felt like no one loved me. My family would criticize me and act like they hated me and like I was the worst person in the world. I had no friends. My whole life was falling apart. No one really cared how I felt, no one saw me as I really was. No one loved me.

No boy even noticed me. I'm the fattest and ugliest girl I've ever seen. Makeup made me look horrible and I had tried to work out but it never works because of my metabolism. So I was a girl trying to get through school with straight A's, the best musician in my grade, and one of the best artists in my grade. You would think someone at least knew my name. Nope. Not one.

So there I was walking from one class to another wanting nothing but to crawl into a locker away from everyone, not wanting to go home or see anyone at school. But I knew that wasn't an option.

Then I saw a figure step in front of me. Not looking up, I could tell the person was popular by the Jordan's they were wearing. Not wanting to be laughed at for some stupid reason the person came up with, I tried to go around. I felt hands grasp my shoulders gently and a soft, warm voice say "wait". Startled, I looked up. There standing in front of me and still grasping my shoulders was Austin Brown, probably the most popular boy on the football team that every girl crushed on- except for me. I didn't crush on any boy so that I wouldn't be sad when I saw them with someone else or if anyone found out I wouldn't have one more thing for everyone to laugh at me about.

"Maria right? Maria Golden?" He asked me. Someone knew my name. I was shocked for a few seconds and when I finally came back into the real world I wriggled out of his hands and answered "Ya... How do you know my name?" He looked at me weird and then his expression softened. "You are the smartest, most musical, most artistic girl in the whole school. How could I not know your name?" Now that one shocked me way more than the whole 'someone knows my name' thing. No one complimented me. My parents made me get the best grades but never complimented me on my hard work or even smiled at me when I gave them my report card or said good job after I aced a test or finished a concert.

I was speechless. I couldn't top what he just said to me.

"I don't know..." I squeaked out. "Because nobody knows my name."

"I didn't know my name was nobody. I thought my name was THE Austin Brown, MVP of the football team, incredibly handsome and witty." He said flashing me a wide grin.

I rolled my eyes and tried to walk around him again, and once again, he stopped me.

"Wait! Wait! Wait!" He scrambled around and in front of me. " I'm sorry I'll stop." He stood there staring at me while I stared back expectantly.

"So, what is it that you wanted?" I finally asked.

"Oh, right, right," he said snapping out of it. "I um... Wanted to know if... You had plans on Friday night?"

I couldn't believe it. Someone actually asked me out. Why? Wait...

I started to walk away and once more Austin scrambled in front of me and gently held my shoulders so I wouldn't leave.

"What's wrong? Do you have plans Friday night? We could go on Saturday night if you want? If you don't have plans?" I couldn't believe him. How could he do this to me?

"How much are they paying you?
$20? $25?" I finally asked.

"Who's paying me for what?"

"To ask me out!"

"What? No one is paying me to ask you out!"

"What did you get dared then?"

"No, nothing like that! Why can't a guy ask out a pretty girl because he likes her?"

Pretty. He just called me pretty. And told me that he liked me. What is going on?

"Because you don't want me. No one does." Then, I turned around and walked back the way that I came, even though my next class is the opposite way.

His hand touched my shoulder and gently turned me around.

"I do want you," his hand reached up, brushing my cheek and tucking a stray hair behind my ear. "And that's not true about no one wanting you. What about your family?"

"My family hates me." I answered, readjusting my backpack on my shoulder. I need to get to class. "I should get to class." I said walking past him.

"Where are you going?" Austin said, appearing at my side.

"Physics" I answered. "You?"

"Physics," he said flashing me a smile.

The first bell rang and we started running for our lives.

I turned a corner and my backpack smashed into the wall, the contents flying everywhere.

I burst out laughing as we both frantically gathered up my stuff and stuffed it into my backpack. The second bell was about to ring, and if we didn't make it in time, Mrs. Prude would give us both Fs for the day. I couldn't take that.

He picked up my phone that I had placed on the ground. We sprinted through the hallway as Austin unlocked my phone and typed in his phone number. Just as we reached Mrs. Prude's door, he snapped a funny pic of himself and set it for his contact. He opened the door as he put his free hand up to his ear like a phone and mouthed 'call me'. I sat down in my seat that happened to be two seats away from Austin's just as the second bell rang.

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