In School

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So here are some things that annoy me about school

#1 The way that teachers stress out if you sit on tables, its not like your a frickin Elephant thats gonna brake everything!!

#2 Teachers yelling at you if you hand in work late saying: " Its VERY important that your work is done on time" and then they say: "Oh I havent had time to mark the work you did 3 weeks ago but i will have them back to you by tomorrow" *the next day* "Oh sorry I havent had time to mark the work you did 3 weeks ago...." you get the idea!!

#3 Teachers Pets. I dont mean people who, for instance, tuck in chairs when asked, but i mean people that tell the teacher how nice her hair is looking or how they like her dress..ALL OF THE TIME!!!

#4 Punctuality. Does anyone else get annoyed when you turn up for a lesson late, then the teacher tells you how important it is that you are on time. and then they are 20 minutes late for the next lesson!! HIPOCRIT!!

#5 School Buses (Part 1) When adults or people from other schools get on your school bus and your like and you just sit there awkwardly with your friends, not being able to say anything in case the 80 year old man sitting next to you decides to listen in on your conversation.

#6 School Buses (Part 2) When school bus intruders try to talk to you like youve known them forever when in fact, they are old enought to be your grandparents.

#7 Lies. When teachers say that you will need algrebra skills in life.

#8 Cake. it sounds wierd but I mean when teachers tell you to stop eating so much cake, and to eat fruit, but then you get 'invited' to go to the staff room so that one of the teachers can 'talk' to you, and you see 3 family sized cakes sitting on the table.

Ok so those are just 8 examples of things that annoy me in school, i will probably do more of school cos new things come up all the time that get on my nerves. remember





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