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In honour (ish) of the summer holidays that are upon us already, I've compiled a list of things that annoy me about summer! Enjoy!:

#1 Hayfever. An allergy to FLOWERS, FLOWERS!! How can FLOWERS of all things make me cry and sneeze, probably the most defenceless things on the planet can do that!! How weak  am I!! Eventhough, having said that, it gives me a great excuse not to do PE.

#2 Heat. Anyone who lives in Britain will know that this year we have been experiencing an extended heatwave. Now for all those Americans or Australians or whatever reading this, remember I'm talking about britain, where 20 degrees is widely considered boiling hot, but I HATE it being hot, I just cant sleep in heat but I can sleep when its freezing cold.

#3 Expectations. Adults expect teenagers and young adults to spend time outside, and for a lot of people that isnt a big ask. But if you look at #2 then you will see that I hate heat, so its not ideal for me!

#4 Lonliness. Eventhough I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters (well.. my sisters live away so just 2 brothers really) my social skills are almost none existent. To be honest I have a couple of close friends but they are always either on holiday, or with their friends, so I hardly ever hang out with them, and it doesnt help that only one person from my class lives near me, and (again) shes always out with other people. THAT is why Im on this a lot, because I have nothing better to do really.

#5 Clothes. Nothing suits me and I like to be covered up properly, which makes summer difficult.

The following one is only relevant for summer 2013

#6 The Royal Baby. Don't get me wrong, I think its lovely that William and Kate have a new baby boy, but the press has been making such a fuss about it, and the BBC have had full programmes dedicated to it. When Kate went into hospital there was so much pressure on her to have the baby..and then to get out of hospital with the new prince.. and then to name him. For the record, I think George Alexander Louis is a beautiful name.

#7 TV. I dont really go out in the evening so I watch TV with my brothers and mum before bed, and there is NOTHING on. We dont have Sky so we dont get TLC and that seems like the only channel that ever has something worth watching on.

So there were 7 things that annoy me about summer. I hope you enjoyed this and comment below with things that annoy YOU anout the season. Thanks for reading and remember:




Phoebe :D

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