About Movies/TV/Music

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This one probably looks like a strange one at first but bear with me. Here we gooo:


#1 Reboots. I mean Fairy tale reboots so movies like:

                                                                                                  Red Riding Hood

                                                                                         Snow White And The Huntsmen

                        And more recently

                                                                                             Oz The Great And Powerful

                                                                                                  Jack The Giant Slayer

I dont know why it just gets on my nerves.

#2 Multi-Parts. For instance: Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 1 and 2

                                                   The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1 and 2

                                                   The Hobbit (getting split into 3 parts!!)

                           And in the next couple of years:

                                                   The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 and 2

It's just a way to make loads more money from one story.

#3 Teams. For example:

                                           Team Edward/Jacob (Twilight)

                                           Team Peeta/Gale (The Hunger Games)

                    Now, gun to head, I'm Team Jedward for Twilight (Think about it....) and Team Peeta for The Hunger Games.....but that is gun to head after all.


#4 TOWIE (The Only Way Is Essex) or for Americans Jersey Shore. I dont even think I need to explain myself on this one!!

#5  Competitions. I'm not even joking, the other day I saw and advert for a SEWING competition, and there is a programme called 'EXTREME MAKEOVER'. YES, THIS IS WHAT ENTERTAINMENT HAS COME TO.

#6  X Factor/ The Voice. ITS A FIX FOR HEAVENS SAKE!!!!

#7 Repeats. When a series ends, the channel just play the same episodes over and over again for a whole year until the next series comes out, and then it all starts again.



#9  Nicki Minaj (I dont know if thats spelt right or not). JUST...NO.

#10 Rapping. Dont get me wrong, I like rapping....until you read the lyrics. For example:

                                                                     Thrift Shop (Macklemore and Ryan Lewis)

                                                                     No Church In The Wild (Kanye West  Jay-z and Frank Ocean)

Im not gonna put the lyrics in this story because I'd like to keep it clean and the lyrics really are inappropraite, if you really want to know then google it!!

#11 Auto-tune. Hardly ANYONE actualy sings now, its just auto-tune.

#12 Miming. When artists perform at concerts, the majority of them mime, I know that there are perfectly good reasons for this but it still annoys me because people pay good money to go and see their favourite band, and then they mime.

#13 Ego's. When artists think they are the best and, hmmmm, I dont know, SHOW UP 2 HOURS LATE FOR A CONCERT!!! (Yes I was makng a reference to Justin Bieber there), and then dont even have the decency to apoplogise!!!

Haha ok so there are 13 things that annoy me about Movies TV and Music, I'm gonna stop it there for now for 2 reasons. 1- I've already done 13  and 2- if I get any more worked up than I will explode. So yeah I hpe you can relate to these things and remember




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