Sleeping Bag

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Kenny's P.O.V
The bell was ringing, school was over and I heard my best friend's voice, butters!

"Ken's!" Butters said with a smile on his face.
"Oh hey what's up butters?"
"My parents are going on business trip, so I wanted to know if you wanted to come over you can even stay over if you want!" Butters explained by throwing his hands around and hoping up and down.
"Oh yea sure, why not. But butters I don't have a sleeping bag."
"Don't see what's wrong with that" butters smile slowly faded.
"I won't have anywhere to sleep"
"I was thinking you can just sleep in my bed. I don't see anything wrong with sleeping in the same bed as your best friend."
My face turned a light pinkish red when he said that.
"Or we can sleep in the living room or you can sleep on my sheets if you'd rather that" He said patting my back as we walked to the bus.
"Yea lets just sleep in the living room."
"Okay!" Butters said as his smile got bigger.

Hi! Sorry that it was short.. But I hope you liked what was there. Idk how I feel about this ff so far, and idk how I would turn it into some thing I want it to be.

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