The Creep

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Kenny's P.O.V
I woke up to the sound of someone walking around in the snow, it wouldn't be weird if was morning but it 12 in the morning and it sounded like it was in the front yard.
"Who's there?" I sat up quickly.
I looked outside the window and thats when I saw it. A face. A face was staring right back as me.
"What the fuck.."
I stood up and ran to the door.
Who is this creep? I opened the door and saw them half away down the driveway.
"HEY GET BACK HERE" I shut the door behind me and ran after the person.
Why where they looking at us sleep? Have they been looking at Butters?
They ran into the woods and I lost sight of them.
I walked back to Butters and went back to sleep.


            In the morning
Kenny's P. O.V
I woke up to Butters watching shows on his phone.
"Oh morning Ken's" Butters said with a warm smile.
I remembered I was  gonna confess to him.
"Butters.. I want to talk to you"
"Oh w-whats up?" He said with a stuttered.
"I like someone, someone I'm really close to."
"Oh who is it?" His face got gloomy.
" I don't just like you I'm in love with you Butters"
His face lit up again but he was a bright pink. "I..I love you to Kenny" He said looking away.
"Yes..Kenny?" He replied looking back at me.
I looked down to his lips. "Can..can I kiss you?"
Butters face turned a shade of red. He nodded and then looked at me, he leaned in. His lips were soft and sweet. He pulled away, his face brighter then before.
A crash broke the silence.
"W..What was that!?" Butters yelled.
"I don't know..Stay here."
"Okay.." He watched as I walked away.
I grabbed a knife just in case cause I didn't want to die in this house so Butters could find my died body.
I started to the door. As soon as I opened it I lowered the knife. A dog? The had some got into Butters backyard. But how did he make such a loud noise?..I won't think about it right know. I put the knife on the corner of the counter and then lead the dog back out of the yard.

When I got back inside something felt wrong. But I couldn't figure it out. I went to grab the knife to put back but it wasn't there. Do I already put it back? Probably.

Its gonna be harder for me to post more parts since I'm gonna start doing my state testes ( 3 weeks of testing). So I might not update my fanfics for those three weeks.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2023 ⏰

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