Movie Night

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Butters P.O.V
Kenny and I just got off the bus and we started to my house.
I opened the door.
"Uh welcome to my house Kenny!"
" have such a nice house" he said in wow looking around.
"Oh well thanks Ken's!"

Kenny's P.O.V
He smiled at me again..god damn it why does it have to him of all people..Wft am I saying Butters wouldn't care if I liked him and he didn't, he would still want to be friends..right? God damn it now I'm over thinking this whole thing.
"So Kenny, wanna maybe watch a movie? I got some snacks and we have soda in the fridge."
"Oh yea sure.."
"Okay I'll go make some popcorn and you can pick out the movie, the remote is on the coffee table."
Butters walked towards the kitchen.
I've been to his house before so I know where everything is and his parents seem to like me.

Butters P.O.V
For a hot second I go lost in Kenny's eyes..sounds stupid but I had to excuse myself before I said or did something stupid.
Shit we are out of popcorn..I swore we had some. What will I tell Kenny? Damn..Oh! I'll just go out the back door and get some from the corner store.

3rd person P.O.V
Butters slowly opened the back door and stepped out into the backyard. He started to the corner story before Kenny would notice he was gone.

10 minutes later
Kenny's P.O.V
What's taking him so long?
I stood up and walked to the kitchen. The back door was wide open and Butters wasn't any where to be seen. Then I heard something in the backyard. I grabbed a knife just in case. It was..Butters?
"Butters where did you go.. Its been like 10 minutes."
"Oh! Well you see we had no popcorn so I just went to the corner store to get some, see."
He held up a box of popcorn.
"Sorry if I worried you."he said shutting the back door.
" Its fine..uh is a horror movie okay?"
He froze up and looked at me with a stun face "Y..yea, that's fine..what horror movie is it.."
He said was with wide eyes.
"Uh..scream 2.."
"Oh okay..thats fine..I'll be right there Kenny"
I couldn't tell if he was exited or scared.
A minute go's by and I heard the microwave go off followed by a buttery smell.
Butters walked out with a big blow popcorn, some soda cans and candy.
"Woah you guys just have a big bag of chocolate in your house!?"
"Oh no, I don't have much sweet stuff in my house, I just bought this with the popcorn." Butters said setting down the snacks and drinks and then sitting down next to me.
Oh..I mean makes since Butters parents are kinda strict.
I pushed play on the movie.

2 hours later

Butters was resting his head on my shoulder, sleeping. I didn't know if I should move him or just keep him like this..I didn't want wake him so I guess I'll just leave him like this. But I didn't really feel tired. I placed his head on the other side of the couch as I got up to go get a blanket and some pillows.
I entered his room. Just as messy when we younger. I grabbed the 2 pillows off his bed along with his heavy blanket.
As I walked back down stairs I heard my broken phone ring.(YES HE HAS A PHONE ITS CANNON😭)
I rushed down the stairs almost tripping on the blanket which wouldn't be good cause how would butters react if I was dead on his living room floor.
"Hello?" I whispering.
"Heyyyy Kennyy.." A voice I knew very well said on the other side.
"What do you want Cartman."
Me and Cartman hasn't really talked since middle school and now he had the nerve to call me.
"So Kenny I know things didn't go well the last time we talked-"
I cut him off
"Which was in 7th grade and we are now in 10th"
"..yes yes okay its been a couple years but I need a favor from you."
"No, and that's that"
I hung up before he could get another word out his mouth and I placed the blanket over Butters. I tried to put the pillow under Butters head but he woke up..or I think he did.
"Kens?" Butters said in a tired voice.
"Oh hey Butters..I was just putting this pillow under you so you would be more comfortable"
"Am I in a dream.." He said sitting up rubbing his eye.
" Butters your not, how about we go back to sleep okay?"
"Oh know since this is a dream I can tell you anything right?" He wasn't getting that he was actually awake. But I kinda want to hear what he's gonna say.
"Uh yea you can."
"Oh good, well I think I'm in love with you ken's or well real Kenny not you, your a dream."
My face turned the same pinkish red but more red then pink this time.
" do?"
He laid back down rubbing his eyes again.
"Yea" he's words faded into a yawn,drifting back into a deep sleep.
I stood there as he went to asleep, I didn't know what to say.. I decided to just lay down and confront him in the morning..or more like confess to him since I don't really want to tell him that he told me he loved me well he was half asleep. I couldn't sleep still..I looked and Butters and just kissed him on the forehead and they laid back down on the floor. Slowly closing my eyes before I fell asleep myself, cold but I was use to being cold well falling asleep, at least this time I had a pillow to sleep with since my last one was to destroyed to sleep with.

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