☆Part 5 | Alagaës Tour☆

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A large red dragon was gliding above the sacred trees that towered over the ground. From above they blended into one another, making the effect of a raging green sea.

After a while, the distance between the trees increased. More and more gaps became visible, signaling that they were close to a landing point.

The dragon turned his head to look at the now sleeping group on his back. He huffed as he turned back to the view infront of him.

'While I'm here being used as a carriage, they're just napping away with no care in the world.' He frowned before noting the somewhat large clearing ahead of him in the distance.

"Finally.. You four wake up, were here." Hubyr, the large red dragon, rumbled to his companions. He increased his pace to arrive slightly quicker, tired of flying a two days travel in one evening.

The first to stir from the group was Faelen, the man with ears and a tail. He grumbled as he felt as though something had been suffocating him the whole time he slept.

"..I'm not some sorta pillow, herbivore." Faelen said once he noticed the child sleeping on him, using his chest as a pillow. He grumbled as he tried to sit up, grabbing onto one of the armor-like scales beside him.

The child fell from Faelen onto another being that was sleeping just beside them. "Guh! Huh..?" A man with platinum blonde hair look to the child that had landed on his stomach.

He sighed before looking over to the Kissimmi who was at fault. Faelen just raised his hands up innocently and looked towards the white-haired woman that was still asleep.

"Oi, get up would cha?" He kicked the woman in the back and turned over to pick up the child, cradling them in one of his arms.

"Gah! The hell was that for, fleabag?!" Syviie shouted, turning over to the two men and child behind her. She scowled at them and tried to kick the man back, only to miss and hit Haldir instead.

"! Watch who you're kicking, Syviis!" He frowned, having sat up from the sudden spike of pain. He only got a scoff from her in return as she rolled her eyes, trying to kick Faelen again.

"Mph! You're gonna end up kicking the herbivore, you crazy hag!" Faelen shifted himself in order to prevent the child and his own self from getting kicked by Syviis. Though he ended up crashing into Haldir and knocking him down in turn.

Haldir grabbed onto the scaled armor underneath him and caught himself from tumbling down the back of Hubyr's dragon form. "You're gonna end up knocking me off, Faelen." He kicked the Kissimmi's side in irritation.

"..If you're gonna be fighting, could I have the kid? We don't need them falling off because of your bickering." Hubyr looked at them from the corner of his eye, noticing the now awake child clutching onto Faelen's shirt.
"Sir, look at what I've made!" A young man with wings and horns skipped over to a large room with a tall horned man lounging in bed.

"Hmm?" The horned man hummed, not wanting to put in any effort in actually responding. Though despite the horned man's lack of enthusiasm, the young man was still brimming with excitement.

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