♡Chapter 23 | Tart Tasting♡

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"Um, we wanted to buy all the items on this list..." Deuce handed the note paper over to Sam. Y/N continued browsing some of the shelves.

"Ring up two cand of tuna while you're at it!" Grim said, now on Deuces shoulder.

"No, Grim! We're not here for tuna!" Deuce scolded.

"What's this? Cream and eggs and... Quote the sacchariferous list! I'll get everything for you." Sam waved as he smiled at the group

Sacchariferous- containing or yielding sugar.

"Whoa... He really does stock that stuff, huh?" Deuce was impressed. Y/N came back to Deuces side.

"Mm.. Shopkeeper Sam, do you perhaps take gems as currency or trade?" Y/N called out, tilting his head to the side.

"Indeed I do, stray imp. What is it you're looking for?" Sam asked, watched as the horned man hesitated for a moment.

"My.. ward, wanted apple and strawberry bowtie pins for a.. friend? I'd also like to get these for him." Y/N sheepishly placed two packets of different kinds of star stickers on the counter, rubbing the back of his neck. Sam looked at the taller man in surprise. Such an intimidating student was embarrassed.

"Of course! Do you have anything to trade for them?" Sam asked as he waved his hand a bit. Y/N nodded as he snapped his fingers, a small handful of top quality 4C rubies appearing on his palm. Deuce looked at the horned man in surprise.

"Ah.. Add in a dozen tuna cans aswell.. Maybe some essentials too." Y/N knew that the total of the rubies were more than what he was asking for, but that didn't matter to him. Such things didn't matter to someone who's lived long enough to no longer be materialistic.

Materialistic- excessively concerned with material possessions; money-oriented.

"Aha! That's a lot more than what you're getting, stray imp." Sam wasn't going to mess with a student, incase they didn't know the value of what they were giving up.

"It's alright. Something like this doesn't matter if it's for him." Another factor of Y/N's sudden generosity was that he wanted to spoil Yuu. Grim looked at the horned man in awe.

"Then.. I'll get everything for you, stray imp!" Sam chuckled as the horned man smiled at him brightly.


"Here you go. It's pretty heavy... Are you sure you can carry this? Luckily for you, our 1/100th size flying saucers are 30% off today. Perfect for carrying groceries!" Sam offered, a businessman smile on his face. Grim, being Grim, fell for it.

"Ooh, lemme see! That sounds awesome!" The beast jumped up. Y/N sighed as he put Grim on Deuces shoulders.

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