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Maxine was Tess's niece

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Maxine was Tess's niece. her mom died when she was born so Tess had to take care of her ever since birth. when she turned 5 Tess used to teach her how to use a bow. two years later she was amazing.

Tess also did teach her how to be stealthy like a ninja which she got very good at. then they also teach her how to use a gun and a knife or well a shiv.

Joel was like a dad to her. he was protective over her and the other way around. Max and Joel bonded pretty quickly like Tess and him.

max got back from 'school' and noticed that Joel was 'home' "oh hi Joel...I didn't know you were going to be here so early"

"yeah make two of us. how was school?" he asked in a teasing tone.

they had this inside joke that school was pretty much useless but well between doing nothing and learning something of course she was going to choose 'school'.

"it was bullshit but meh it's better than nothing... where is Tess?"

he shrugged "I've no clue"

max sighed "okay I will be in my room doing shitty homework"

"Alright kiddo"

she walked inside her room and dumped her things on the floor. Max grabbed her walkman and clicked play Africa by TOTO started playing.

she hummed to the song and eventually fell asleep. to say that she had a few nightmares would be an understatement.

max woke up to see that it was day already "oh fuck! I'm gonna be late"

she walked outside to see Tess and Joel arguing. when she got closer she noticed Tess's face "holy shit you look like shit"

Tess sighed "thanks kiddo"

"what happened? who did that to you?"

"the asshole who played us and stole our battery"

max rolled her eyes "what the fuck? I told you guys that guy was hella shady"

"We know we don't you to remind us," Joel said.

Max giggled "well I have school"

Tess shook her head "no you are coming with us"

"the hell she is" Joel protested.

"if we need back up she is our back up"

Joel sighed "okay okay fine but I need the battery, Tess. trucks no good without one and if I don't get to Tommy soon, he's gonna die out there"

"Okay, fuck it. we get our money back and the battery but, Joel, listen, Robert is terrified of you. so, you march outta here all clint eastwood, he's gonna get wind of it and skip. in need you to take a breath"

"Well he sounds like a dumbass- so I'm not going to school?"

both shook their heads "no go get ready we will come back later okay? have your walkie ready we are going to contact you when we are on our way here okay? have your bow and arrows ready"

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