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after walking for half an hour they found a place where they could rest for the night also the rain was getting really heavy

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after walking for half an hour they found a place where they could rest for the night also the rain was getting really heavy. first tess and joel checked the building for any infected leaving ellie and max alone.

max was looking everywhere just checking if there is anyone or any infected close. she was holding her bow ready for anything.

"so, hi um i just wanted to say sorry for earlier about you know the radio? it kinda looked like you wanted to kill me so im sorry if what i did made you mad..."

max turned to look at her and just nodded. ellie sighed. she didnt know it annoyed her that max didnt talk to her.

"so are you just not gonna talk to me?"

before max could say something tess walked out "its clear come on"

max sighed "oh thank fuck" and then walked in.

before bella could walk in tess stopped her "dont worry about her. shes like that...a little cold. she will losen up eventually...now come on kid"

ellie nodded and walked in then tess closed the door.

max took a sit between joel and tess still holding her bow "no kid you should rest. tomorrow is gonna be a long day..."

"yeah but-"

"no buts please max just sleep, okay?"

max sighed and nodded her head "fine"

when things like this happens max cant sleep. never. even if she tries to close her eyes she just cant. she pretended to be asleep until she couldnt. two hours have passed and max couldnt anyone so she opened her eyes and sat down to see that tess and joel fell asleep.

she snorted quietly and decided to take second watch. max stood up grabbing her bow from the floor with her arrows trying to be as quietly as possible.

max thought about how ellie tried to talk to her...was she being rude? she didnt mean for that its just she doesnt like to get attached to people. max has this theory that she is cursed. everyone that she cares about dies so she didnt want so get close to anyone because of that.

before she knew is the sun was out and joel and tess woke up "kid what are you doing up?"

max smiled. oh how she loved them. "well since yall fell asleep i couldnt keep pretending to sleep so i just took second watch"

"you cant just do that-"

max cut joel off "oh please joel save it you know i can defend myself pretty good... and you know that"

before joel could say something ellie woke up opening her eyes and sat up. she then turned around to took at them "morning?"

max just stood there looking at ellie. all night she thought about not being rude to ellie.

The Great War - Ellie WilliamsWhere stories live. Discover now