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"what the fuck?"

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"what the fuck?"

"well, when the fuck did that happen?"

the last time they came here it wasnt that destroyed. tess and max tried a couple of doors but they wouldn't open.

"maybe that one?"

max shook her head "no i already tried that one"

Joel didn't believe her and still tried it which made max roll her eyes "told you"

Tess sighed "all right, well, i mean i could climb up there, work my way around, and open it from the inside?"

Ellie walked closer to tess "uh no, well, im the smallest, so it'd be easier for me to get through"

Tess turned to look at the girl "hm but you die and we get nothing. You stay. Can you give me a hand?"

"Can i go?"

Tess turned to look at her niece "maxine no. Joel help me"

Max rolled her eyes "fine"

Joel walked towards tess and moved ellie out of the way which it caused her to dump into max.

"Oh shit sorry I didn't mean-"

"Its okay Ellie. Not your fault"

The truth was that everytime this happen it made max very nervous. She didn't want anything happening to her aunt but she couldn't do anything to stop her from putting herself in danger.

Joel helped tess up "you good up there?"

"Yeah, uh its a bit of a mess, so im gonna need a few minutes"

Joel let out a sigh and turned to look at the two girls. Max had an annoyed scowl on her face.

Joel shook his head "max you know why she does this"

"I dont want her to put herself in danger"

"If its not her then its you and she doesn't want that"

Max let out a sigh and laid her body on against the wall. Ellie sat down on the floor.

An awkward silence filled the room. Max heart was racing. It was quiet too quiet and her aunt wasnt back yet.

Ellie took out her pocket knife and started playing with it. Max spaced out looking at the knife.

"Nice knife"

Ellie turned to look at him and the looked away.

"Where'd you learn to do that?"

"The circus" ellie said and made max snap back to reality.

Joel gave her a scowl and looked away letting out a sigh.

Ellie closed the knife and looked at joel "where are you from?"


"What about tess and-"

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2023 ⏰

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