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I let you slip from my embrace again.

And I thought something was wrong with me,

Maybe something was wrong with my looks.

Or my body, I looked at myself in the mirror,

I look fat, one of the thoughts that arose in my head.

 I covered myself more than I usually did before.

I completely change my diet

But what hurts the most is Porsche realized before you did

As a matter of fact, you don't pay attention to me anymore

You don't realize the small things anymore

Like how much my eyes redden 

Or how my face is swollen when I wake up.

Or how my once clear face is now filled with dark circles and tear marks

I looked in the mirror once again

You make me hate the way I look

I sat there in front of the mirror 

looking at myself as I cried

I hate feeling like this

But can I blame myself for falling deeply in love with you?

You Lost Me (TimeTay breakup)Where stories live. Discover now