How Did it Get to This Point?

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Tay's POV

I was half awake when I felt Time give me a kiss. I smiled and hoped the nastiness of the past few days had passed. My relationship with Time had always been up and down, but Time loved me so he would never leave, and I loved him so much, that even though I told him to leave last night, I know he won't. Knowing that Time liked to get up early and cook me breakfast, I drifted back to sleep with anticipation of a wonderful breakfast cooked by the one I love the most.

I woke up smiling as I remember the kiss Time gave me. As my eyes adjusted to the room, I noticed on the pillow next to me, a necklace. I grabbed the necklace and went downstairs. My heart was beating fast as there was no breakfast and the boxes of Time's things I had packed yesterday were gone. I searched the entire Condo and could not find him. I ran back to my room and pulled out my phone intending on calling Kinn but decided against it. I didn't want to explain to Kinn what transpired between Time and me. I went to the garage and noticed that Time's baby wasn't there and then remembered it was left at Yok's bar. I went there first and was told that Porsche had driven it back to the mansion. Shit, I think to myself, what if he went there. Wait, he didn't go there or Kinn would have been at the condominium, and I would dead. I wondered where he could have gone and realize he was probably at Studio 7, his store in the mall. I speed there, park my car illegally, and run into the mall to see Tem, opening up the store. I race past him and run to the backroom but find it empty. Tem comes in the back and just looks at me like I have lost my mind. Wait, I did lose my mind. I am noting without Time. "Tem, do you happen to know where Time is?" Tem just laughs, wait did he just laugh at me. I want to punch him. If not for him, we wouldn't have had our huge fight. I wait patiently to hear his answer. "He called me this morning and told me to take care of things and if I run into any issues to contact the mall manager as he is going to be out of town for a while." "Did he say where he was going?" Tem looks at me before saying "He did, but I am not telling you, now please leave the store." I was going to grab a hold of him and force him to tell me where he went when I heard Khun's voice. "Tem, did my order come in yet?" Tem looks at me, probably wondering if I am going to cause a scene. I am not stupid. Khun is Kinn's brother, and I do not want Kinn involved. So, I just walk past Tem and out the backdoor. I swear I heard Tem laugh again. I want to go back and punch him but know I can't.

4 weeks later....

I am at Studio 7 again. The mall manager called me and told me there were issues there. Since Time is still MIA, I figured it was only right that I keep his store running smoothly, even if it means I have to work with Tem. Porsche is by frequently since Tem is his friend and of course Khun shops here so I get to see them more than I wish. Kinn stopped in one day and asked how Time was. I had to play it cool and not tell him that he has been MIA for four weeks. I just told him alright. What came out of his mouth next shocked me. "What happened with his family that he went back to Korea and left his baby in my garage. Not that I mind, but I was simply curious." I just tell him family stuff, realizing that now I had somewhere I could look. I helped Tem lock up and so I wouldn't' t let on that I knew where Time was and went straight to the airport where my Jet was ready to take me to Korea.

3 days later....

I finally found where Time's parents lived. Time never talked about his family much, and we never visited so I had no idea where they lived. I should have asked Kinn for help, but I didn't want to have to explain things to him. I rang the doorbell nervously. Time's sister answered and when I asked to speak with Time. She looked shocked and told me he hasn't been home since he graduated from University. I wanted to ask more, but a man came up and slammed the door shut in my face. I thought "were they lying to me." I spend several days watching the house and realize that Time was not there. I take my jet back to Thailand. It has finally dawned on me that Time really left me. I don't have anyone to blame but myself, and when they say you don't know what you have until you lost it, well I now know that is the truth.

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