Chapter 1.

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The sound of my alarm went off and I groaned, not ready to leave the warm comfort of my bed. Opening my eyes a glimpse of sun rays hit me, making me hiss and close them back in defeat. I should know better than place my bed next to the window but the view was breath taking to look at before I fall asleep. City lights and colorful signs was the first thing that'd caught your eye. You'd say I'd get bored of it by now but living in the city that never sleeps can get fascinating, especially at nights.

My alarm went off for the second time, leaving me no time to stay tucked in my white sheets any longer. How I wish I could stay in there forever. Unfortunately, my boss can be quite an arse and I'd hate to have 'my way' with him later in order not to lose my job. Despite the drown backs - differing from pervent customers to over hours without payment, I love the feeling of normality it gives me.

Jumping out of my bed, I had a whole hour to get ready. I always set my alarm earlier in case something happens, though it never does. Getting ready was the most boring routine. Curling my hair a bit so my natural curls will look better and applying a tad make up and that was it. That'd do so I wouldn't look as if I just woke up from hibernation. Chuckling at my thought, I got my outfit out and started getting ready.

It was now 5:30 pm and I was standing outside of the small cafe I spend most of my time at. The big sign read 'Che Melie'. I was about to get in when I heard some noise from the back. Seeing I was already late, I decided to ignore it and go on with my job. Sighing, I opened up the door and the cool air hit me right in the face, my brown hair that cascaded down my back were flying around and I groaned.

"God, Niall, anyone told you the air conditioning is a bit too high?", I half screamed - half whispered as I walked past my colleague.

"Nah, fam, s'all good", he laughed at me and added, "After all, it's just me and you".

"Have it as you want it then. I'll be in the back, call me if you need anything ", I said pushing the door that lead in the back part of the coffee-shop. It's nothing special but you can work in privacy there. Arranging the cookies and cakes was not that hard. I like it here. I can munch and drink while working and if anything I don't have Niall bugging me all the time. He's nice, too nice and it gets me off sometimes. Talking of Niall, he's been calling me for the past five minutes but being the lazy person I am I am acting distracted.

"Do you not hear me when I call you? Bloody hell, Elly, we're packed and I could use your help! ", he yelled through the door.

"Coming!", I yelled back and rushed my way to the front to meet with a frantic Niall going from table to table.

"Take table four. He's been here for a while so be on your best behavior. We've let him wait enough", he glared.

"I'll try, not promising anything", chuckling I started strolling my way to table four. Niall is familiar with my attitude so he warns me a lot.

The costumer looked quite patient, he didn't call for anyone yet or he wasn't looking uneasy. I couldn't study him much, considering his back was turned to me. Reaching up to his table, I cleared my throat and hoped for the best.

"Welcome to Che Melie, sir, what would you like to get?", I chimed not even glazing at him, taking out my note pad.

"Uh", a deep voice said that had me snapping my gaze from my pad to look up at him. Green irises were staring at me with an intense stare. His eyes held that green color, you'd probably find only in an angel. Wow, how cliche of you to think that Elly. "A vanilla latte with a shot of that caramele creme", he said with a smirk.

"Coming right up", I nodded forcing a smile. Walking away from the curly headed boy, I found myself peeking back at him the whole time till I reached the coffe machine. Niall was standing there, focused on whatever the hell was doing.

"Pretty busy today, eh? ", he chuckled," Thank God boss is not here. We can close up earlier".

I nodded, still not being able to snap out of the thoughs of the curly boy. What's happening?

"Hey Niall, mind switching tables with me?", I pled him.

"What's wrong? Did he harass you? Tried anything on you?"

"No.", I said, "Just don't wanna serve him".

He nodded and walked off. I heard him mumble a 'weirdo' before walking off but who the hell cares.

Going back to work, today was kinda packed and to say we're not used to it it's an understandment. That's why I picked that small Cafe after all. Throughout my shift, I felt eyes on me but I thoroughly ignored, being used to having mens eyes on me. I am not bragging and I am not feeling flattered. I couldn't care less.

By 8 pm the place was deserted. The only table still working was table number four and it made me feel somehow uneasy. Curly boy makes me feel uneasy and I can't put my finger on it. Niall, being the little bitch he is, left earlier saying he has some unfinished business to do leaving me alone. I was currently cleaning up the messy tables when I heard that deep voice calling out. Groaning, I walked up to him, wearing my best smile. Being nice to our customers is a must, boss says.

"Excuse me, I'd like the check if it ain't a bother, love", he said with a smirk. What's with this boy and smirking? I scoffed.

"That'd be 4 dollars and 50 cents", I said and yawned, instantly regretting it.

"Someone's tired, I see. Need help closing?", he offered.

"Help from strangers' is not needed. Hope you enjoyed your latte. Goodnight, sir", I fake smiled.

He chuckled and got up heading to the door. I saw him hesitating before closing the door behind him.
"Laters, love", he breathed out before he was gone.

I scoffed, yet again at this kid. Well, that was indeed a long day.

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