Chapter 2.

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Walking home I had to walk quite a lot till I reach home. Note to my self, next time get a house closer to your job. Mental scoff. My pace is fast as I'm walking through the dark allies of New York, where all the terror starts on those horrendous movies they have on Hollywood. People are walking past me, others are chatting on their phones, others simply too busy to even watch where they walk as they bump on you rudely without even apologising. You could say this city has a never ending life style.

The night breeze was a delightful change since the weather is too hot for its season. We're past October and there's people walking around in tees. Fucking tees. I like warm clothes. I like the safe feeling the warmth gives me. Good thing I don't feel cold, I'd hate the discomfort of that.

I'm almost home and I feel relief flood all over me. I can't wait to tuck in bed and watch Netflix - that's probably all I ever do. From times to times I visit that bar next to my home. Black 17 is a chill place. Thinking of that, I haven't been there in a while. Maybe it could be a nice change for tonight. I settled for that.

Minutes later I'm there, right outside, the light of the sign almost blinding me as I walk past through the door and the crowd to find the bar. Luckily, my fave spot is empty. I thought I was lucky and mentally cheered till a mop of curles dragged himself and sat on my sit. No, no, no.

I pushed my way to the spot - my spot, the person was now sitting.

"Would you please go sit somewhere else? This sit is taken", I cooly said, trying to act as if I was sitting there before he sat his arse down without asking.

"I'm sorry. What did you say?", said the voice I'd recognize everywhere. Deep and an obvious British accent. He turned around, eyeing me before he smirked. "Oh, look who we got here. You're the girl from that Cafe".

No shit, I thought. Instead I nodded and went in for another try. "You're sitting on my sit", I pointed to where he was currently sitting.

"Is that so?", he eyed me suspiciously.

"Yes.", I said through gritted teeth. Communicating with people was my weak point. I hated every single aspect of that.

"You're lying. I saw you walking in. But, I'm nice enough to share a sit with you. What do you say?", an evident smirk on his face.

This boy and his smirks. I'd smash his head on the counter if no one else was around. I wouldn't even feel remorse. I was probably spacing out until I noticed him making space for me to sit. Maybe I should reconsider my options. Netflix and bed feel better at the moment.

I was about to turn around leave when I heard him talking as loud as he could over the already too loud music.

"Are you leaving?"

Normally, I'd ignore them but this time I looked at him and nodded.

"You're no fun", he chuckled.

I placed my hand on my chest, holding it there while I gave him a pained look.

"And now you're hurting my feelings". Too bad you don't have any, the voice in my head said and I cringed.

"Now I insist you let me make up. Sit", he order.

"Just this once, curly boy", I said, sitting myself to the space he made for me. I was now standing only some metres away from him, my hands drumming on the counter. Some would say I was feeling nervous.

And then he laughed. I got to admit his laugh was one of the best things I've ever heard in all these years of my existence.

"I usually go by Harry, but curly boy has a thing to it so that would do too", he winked.

"Elly", I mumbled.

I felt a heat growing on my cheeks but I decided to ignore it at the moment. The lighting was thank god by my side since it was low. The room was kinda dark, some neon lights here and there with an exception at the bar counter, only a couple feet away from us.

Harry, ex curly boy, was drinking from his coctail while humming at the song that was playing while I ordered a beer. I didn't feel like getting extra pissed today.

The tension between us was audible. His attempts of beeing friendly were complete ignored. I didn't have time to get involved with that boy.

"Elly", I glanced up at him. "Elly is a beautiful name, you know, it suits you", he slurred. Oh god, now he's pissed, how fast was that .

"I think you should go. You're light headed already", I pointed out.

"M'okay. I'm not leaving yet, my mates are having fun", he said glazing at the dance floor.

"Okay", I nodded going back to ignoring him. Ignoring people, that's something I grew fond of and quite good at.

"We met twice a day. If that's not fate, then what is?", he laughed. "Or you're following me?"


"Totally followed you. Maybe I am one of those stalker girls or maybe I'm looking for my next victim", I said and chuckled at my own joke.

"Victim, you say? You'd totally rape me", the smug look on his face showed his excitement.

"I'd totally rip your heart out till it left it's last beat on my bleeding palm"

His eyes almost ripped out his eyeballs and chocked on his drink. I, on the other hand, am sure I had that amused smile on my face since I chuckled uncontrollably at his face.

"I bet you become a creep at night"

"Oh, you have no idea"

With that, I got up and left some money on the table. Enough to leave some tip and stormed off, leaving a questioning look on Harry's face. Or should I say, curly boy's face.

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