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Jungkook pov

Im here at jennie's building i will ask her if lisa can work here, and of course i will ask her not to be so harsh on her, we all know jennie, she is so harsh to her worker but if they need help, she is willing to help them, and the food here is 24/7 you can eat anytime you want

Btw i ride on the elavator going to her office i know she don't like someone disturbing her im here now on her front office i knock and open the door

"Jennie,can i comer in" then i heard her cold voice what ever we all used to e*rolled eyes*

"Yes,what do you need kook" she said while busy typing on her laptop

"Im here because i want to visit our mandu" i chuckle because of her reaction, like she was ready to kill someone, she don't like calling her mandu

"Don't play around kook, tell me what do you need" she said with her cold voice and look directly to me

"Hey hey chill,im here bacause i want to apply my friend" i smile at her and she just give me her eye brow raised

"Then she can go her in my office tommorow at 8:00am, i don't want late, and tell her to bring her requirement" she said and typing again on her laptop, i just rolled my eyes

"Okay, and don't worry she won't be late" i smile on her

"I will leave now, ms.jennie kim" i said and left the room, i like helping lisa because she like my sister and she also helping me to taehyungAHAHAHGA

Lisa pov

I was about to enter the gate of our university when i see sehun standing infront of the gate staring at me, i was about to go inside when she grab my arms

"Ouchh, what do you need again sehun"
I said to him and he just smirk and come neer me

"What i want is to play with you" he whispered to me and smirk

"What are you talking about, let go of me" i said and slap her arm that make her angry

"HOW DARE YOU TO SLAP ME HUH??!!!" he shout at me that make me teary i hate someone shouting at me

"HEYYY YOU AGAIN SEHUN CAN YOU PLSS LET GO OF LISA" that was taehyung after he shout he punch sehun that make sehun fall on the ground

"Tsk your to weak" he said and smirk, sehun about to punch taehyung when someone punch him and it was jungkook

"Don't you dare lay a hand to teahyung,lets go lisa taehyung" he said to us and me and taehyung just nod and we left sehun laying on the floor

At the classroom pov

"Hey lisa, tae are the two of you is okay"
Jungkook ask me and teahyung with worried tone

"Yes where okay no need to worry jungkook hyung" i said and smile sweetly
"Thank you for helping us"

"You sure that the two of you is okay" he ask again and me and tae just nod

"Yes we are okay kookiee no need to worry okay" taehyung said and smile to jungkook hyung, jungkook hyung smile back at tae

"Okay if you said so, btw lisa i have a good news to you" he said and make me curios

"What is it jungkook hyung" i ask her curiosly

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