part 4

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Lisa pov

Im already at my house, the girl who save me earlier drop me home

Im still awake i don't know i can't sleep because of thinking about what happend earlier, its alreay 12am and i can't sleep i need to sleep beacuse i have and enterview tommorow, and i know that jungkook hyung and taeh will come her early and the morning to have a chichat i know them

I try to sleep but it's still failed i don't know how can i come to school tommorow because of what sehun did earlier, i go downstair to drink a milk, if io can't sleep i just drink milk and i can go back to sleep

I tried to sleep again and i was succesfull it's already morning i look at my alarm clock it's already 6am, i said to jungkook that he can come here at 6:30, so i immideatly go to the battroom to take a bath, i almost done when i heard someone calling me outside i know it was jungkook hyung and taeh

I finished wearing some cloths and go downstair, i open the door and taeh immideatly hug me

"I missed you lali" he said we just see eachother yesterday and he miss me already

"We just see eachother yesterday taeh, don't be silly" i said to her and rolled my eyes

"Yeah i know what ever" he said and rolled her eyes, jungkook hyung interput us

"Okay stop arguing the two of you let's go now before lisa will going to be late at her interview" jungkook hyung said he's rigth so i go to the kitchen to get my lunch and go back at the living room ready to leave

"Let"s go the boss hate being late" taeh said i relly curious who is their boss, beacuse they was so scared of her

"So let's go now" i said and we all go to jungkook hyung's car and drove going to the company they was saying

Jungkook pov

I was going to taeh house to fetch him, because its already 6am, i know that he will be so exticed beacuse he will meet our boss again and lisa ofcoures, we are our boss body guard but she said that she dont need some bodyguard right now so we have different path, but we still one

"Taehh" i shout and knock on the door he immideatly open the door and go outside

"Lets go lets go i want to meet boss now and ofcours for lisa's interview i hope boss will treet her well" he said see im rigth

"She will don't woryy i will contact her to said that lets go" i said and we go to my car, he sat next to the driver sit and i sat down too, i drove going to lisa's house

When we enter the car i call jennie


Jennie: "yes jk need something"she said with a cold voice whatever

Jk:"we are on the way to your company and we was with the one who's have and interview"

Jennie:"be fast i don't want someone who's late" she said

Jk:"yes we will, but boss please don't be harsh on her, she is a little childish and she's from a truma please" i said to her

Jennie:" we will see" she said and put down the call as always

"What she said"taeh said

"She said that she don't like someone's whos late" i said

"What about don't be harsh to lisa" he said

"She just said that she will see, as always she was like that"i said and i heard taeh sign

I know that lisa still not done yet, we go out of the car and knock on lisa's house, she said wait and after some minutes she open the door

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2023 ⏰

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